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Monday, September 9, 2024

ACT public school infrastructure and free meals

ACT Labor announced in 2020 that they would trial free breakfast and lunch three days a week for students at five public schools. Only now, two and a half months before the next election, have they implemented it.

Students at five schools will receive free breakfast and lunch three days per week throughout the school year, the ACT Government announced this week. The $4 million Meals in Schools pilot will run until July 2025.

Thomas Emerson (Independents for Canberra) commented: “Following through on an election commitment – four years after it was made – to feed kids in five schools is great. It’s nowhere near enough to address the growing disadvantage we are seeing across Canberra. 

“9,000 children live below the poverty line here in the ACT. Over 12,000 Canberrans ran out of food last year. 

“If the Labor-Greens Government is ready to tackle disadvantage, it should join Independents for Canberra in committing to closing the 30 per cent community sector funding gap.

“Our frontline service providers have been underfunded for far too long. Many are losing burnt-out staff and being forced to cancel services relied on by people in desperate need across our community. 

“People facing disadvantage in the ACT deserve leaders who take serious action in support of those who most need it.”

The participating schools are:

  • Narrabundah Early Childhood School
  • Richardson Primary School
  • Gilmore Primary School
  • Gold Creek School – Senior Campus (years 7 to 10)
  • Melba Copland Secondary School – College Campus (years 10 to 12)

“Research tells us that students learn better and are happier at school when their bellies are full,” Ms Berry said.

“A free feed will also take the pressure off families who are doing it tough.

“It will reduce grocery bills and make it easier for busy parents to get everyone out the door in the mornings.”

Other wellbeing and cost of living supports in ACT public schools include the Future of Education Equity Fund, free Chromebooks for secondary students, free access to internet at home, and free period products in schools.

Public school infrastructure

Public schools across Canberra will receive nearly $30 million in upgrades as part of the latest round of the ACT Government’s annual public school infrastructure upgrades program.

Last year’s program allocated $22 million across 37 schools; this year’s allocates $23 million for 61 projects in 44 ACT public schools – 15 in Belconnen; 11 in North/Gungahlin; eight in the South and Weston; and 10 in Tuggeranong – and $7 million for high priority school upgrades that will be identified throughout the coming year, including disability-friendly infrastructure.

Projects will improve classrooms, accessibility, outdoor learning areas, walkways and access ramps, landscaping works, staff facilities, and administration areas.

“These works ensure every child has access to modern, accessible and sustainable school infrastructure and facilities to support a high-quality education,” Yvette Berry, ACT Minister for Education and Youth Affairs, said.

The ACT Government has invested $100 million in renewing and upgrading public schools, part of a billion-dollar pipeline of projects for public education facilities over the coming decade.

Meals in Schools pilot launched


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