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Privacy Policy

Canberra Daily Privacy Policy – current as at 24 March 2020

Newstime Media Pty Ltd, trading as Canberra Weekly magazine and canberradaily.com.au, is committed to respecting our customer’s privacy and security.

However, we do collect and use various bits of information about you through your use of our site (www.canberradaily.com.au) (the Site), to enhance your enjoyment of our service, with the three main types of information being categorised as:

  1. Sensitive Personal Data – Financial information that could potentially be disclosed as a result of listing a property or advertising through the Sites.
  2. Personal Data – Information through which it is possible to identify you directly (names, addresses, contact information etc). You will always know when this data is being collected through the completion of the registration process and ordering process on the Sites; and
  3. Aggregated Statistical Data – All other non-personal information that relates purely to generic statistics such as traffic flow and demographics. It is not possible to identify you through this data.

Sensitive Personal Data

We collect financial information about you only to complete purchases on our Sites, and to meet our legal requirements under Australian law. This may mean that your financial information may need to be disclosed by us to law enforcement officers for any legislated purpose. We will not otherwise disclose your sensitive personal information to other companies unless it is directly required for services we provide to you.

If we store your sensitive information it is only to meet legislative requirements, and if that purpose is no longer applicable, that information is deleted.

Personal Data Newstime Media Pty Ltd will only collect, use and transfer your personal data if you have consented to that collection, use and transfer, except in circumstances where it is necessary to conform to legal requirements; protect and defend our rights or property; or to protect the interests of other users.

This data is generally collected through our registration and ordering systems, whereby you are required to enter accurate contact information to register on the Sites.

Where your personal data is collected through other means, we may allow for pseudonyms or anonymous access where such access does not adversely affect our business needs.

If consent has been given during the collection process, we may use your personal information to contact you with relevant material; or to disclose that information to other select third party companies (partners or affiliates such as real estate agents) and for those companies to contact you with other relevant material.

You may opt out from receiving marketing material at any time by sending an email to us containing your name and other identifying information.

Disclosure of Data to Third Parties

Where you contact, or are contacted by a third party directly as a result of using the www.canberradaily.com.au website, any information that you disclose to them will not be covered by this Privacy Policy. This includes but is not limited to any contact information, financial or reputational data or any other sensitive or personal data that may allow the third party to identify you.

Aggregated Data Other non-personal information will be collected and used by Newstime Media Pty Ltd and may be transferred to third parties.

In addition to non-personal information collected through the ordering or registration or registration processes, information is automatically collected about traffic around the Sites. This is also only used in aggregate form and no individual user will be identified.

Cookies We uses “cookies” to speed up access to the Sites (it bypasses checking the registered user database) and to enhance your experience of the sites by customising it according to your interests. A cookie is a small piece of information sent from www.canberradaily.com.au to your computer to help us to identify you quickly. It is possible for you to disable these cookies by changing your browser settings, but this may slow down or prohibit access to parts of the Sites.

Agencies Where advertisements are used on www.canberradaily.com.au  they are served to the Sites on our behalf by agents. The agent may use cookies for statistical purposes and to ensure that you do not see the same adverts all the time, and to try and make sure that you see adverts that will be of interest to you.

In particular these sites use the services of Google Analytics for the serving and/or targeting of ads, promotions and other marketing messages. To do this, Google Analytics collects and stores anonymous data typically through the use of cookies. To learn more about Google Analytics, visit http://www.google.com/analytics.

Security Security is paramount to Newstime Media Pty Ltd with respect of your data. We use a variety of software to ensure appropriate security and encryption of data so as to protect against misuse, interference or loss of information, or from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

Maintaining Information

Should you require access to, or wish to correct the Sensitive Personal Data (if any) and/or Personal Data collected and stored by Newstime Pty Ltd, please send us an email with your relevant contact details. We will endeavour to provide access or correct information, where that action is reasonable and practicable. Pursuant to the Australian Privacy Principles we may impose a reasonable fee for this service we it is reasonable to do so.

Making a Complaint

If you wish to make a complaint with regard to a possible breach of this Policy or the Australian Privacy Principles, or for complaints regarding handling of your other requests or enquiries in relation to this policy this can be done by emailing us.

What happens to my complaint?

  • When we receive your complaint we will contact you when reasonable practicable to let you know that we have received it.
  • We will use reasonable endeavours to investigate your complaint and aim to resolve it. We may contact you for further information.
  • We will write to you and let you know the outcome. We will use reasonable endeavours to resolve your complaint within 30 days however some complaints are more complex and take longer. We will keep you informed if this is the case.
  • If for some reason we cannot resolve your complaint (for example, the issue is outside our responsibilities), we will write to you and let you know.

If we are unable to resolve your complaint, you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) whose details follow:

Phone: Enquires Line on 1300-363-992; or
Web: www.oaic.gov.au
Post: Office of the Australian Information Commissioner GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001, AUSTRALIA.

Privacy changes

To keep this information current and accurate, we will review and update this Privacy Policy and post the changes to this page.

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