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Friday, July 26, 2024

Latest news: ANU

C’mon! Calling all Aussie lexicon and larrikins

Maaaate! It’s hard yakka keeping a grip on the Queen’s English (or the King’s) at the best of time but sport brings out our most eloquent “strine” (“oi oi oi!”), so word...

ANU: New clues to mystery of ancient human migration in Pacific

New evidence of human occupation in Indonesia 42,000 years ago offers clues about ancient migration routes to this region.

ANU forms new alliance for Aboriginal prosperity

The First Nations Economic Empowerment Alliance will advocate for economic reforms to benefit Australian Indigenous people.

Dogs and dingoes: Less interbreeding than thought

The genetic diversity of modern-day dingo populations was in place long before European colonists introduced domestic dogs.

ANU: Students need better tech education

Teachers are struggling to equip Australian school kids with the digital skills they need for the future, warns a new report.

EVs save the day: ACT fleet powers national grid during blackout

In a world-first, a fleet of ACT Government electric vehicles fed power back into the national energy grid during a major Victorian blackout.

ANU captures blue movie of blue whales

Fyshwick may want to order some video copies of the intimate private lives of blue whales, which have been revealed for the first time by the Australian National University.  This footage isn’t X-rated...

Everybody needs good neighbours: resident quolls help newcomers settle in at Mulligans Flat

GPS tracking collars have revealed how newly reintroduced eastern quolls are settling in at Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary.

ANU’s strategy to protect Canberra youth from gambling harm

Help is on the way for young people in the ACT who are at risk of gambling harm, the ANU Centre for Gambling Research states.

Who’s a clever cockie?

Go on admit it, we all like to read the social pages to see who’s been seen with who and it seems the biggest socialites in Canberra are …. sulphur-crested cockatoos. It’s...

Gaping gender gap in ANU buildings’ names

There seems to be a lot of man-spreading at the Australian National University, with buildings bearing men’s names taking up more than their fair share of space. Of the 150 buildings on...

Thirsty work for ANU to solve the world’s water security problem

Wars will soon be fought over water, not oil or territorial disputes. This is not far-fetched fiction, this is a United Nations projection. After analysing water availability and future projects, the forecast...

Size does matter – at least in the animal kingdom

Forget trying to establish what dark matter is, Canberra academics have answered the all-important question – does size matter – and it appears the male obsession is justified. When it comes to...

ANU pro-Palestine protesters move on in ‘good faith’ act

Pro-Palestine protesters camped at the Australian National University have moved their camp ahead of a looming police deadline.

Police issue ultimatum to ANU student Gaza protest

Police could soon arrest student protesters at the Australian National University after the group refused orders to dismantle their pro-Palestine encampment.

ANU puts another coin in the jukebox

Music tastes vary drastically – thank goodness for AirPods - but it turns out music preference is a bit like genetics, we inherit it from our parents.
