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Friday, July 26, 2024

Latest news: Baby boomers

Older generations locking Millennials out of housing market

Intergenerational housing inequality research from UniSA says Boomers are a reason Millennials are locked out of the real estate market.

Alpha and beyond: A guide to the generations

If you’ve heard the terms Baby Boomers, Millennials, and Gens X, Z and Alpha, but aren’t quite sure who fits where, here’s a handy guide to the generations through the ages. The Greatest...

Are empty nesters deepening the housing crisis?

A Business Insider article made waves last month arguing “baby boomers are making the 2021 housing crisis worse” by staying put in their empty nests and not moving into smaller dwellings. The article...

COVID puts boomers off aged care homes: Survey

If the findings of the aged care royal commission had not put off baby boomers considering nursing home care, it seems the pandemic may have done the job.
