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Latest news: Electric buses

ACT politics: Wednesday 10 April

Construction delays, renting, electric buses, healthcare challenges, and legislation for jury reforms and the night-time economy.

Electric bus about to hit ACT roads

A new Australian-made electric bus – a Custom Denning ‘Element’ low floor battery electric bus (BEB) – is about to hit Canberra roads.

12 km of cables to charge Canberra’s new electric buses

Evo Energy will supply the Woden and Tuggeranong bus depots with the energy required to house and charge up to 300 battery electric buses.

Electric buses will come to Canberra this year

Canberrans will start using electric buses later this year, according to ACT Minister for Transport and City Services, Chris Steel.

ACT Government to lease first electric buses this year

The ACT Government has released the tender for 34 buses (some electric) to replace the old, polluting diesel buses.

‘Wide interest’ in ACT’s proposed electric bus fleet, government says

The ACT's plan to procure new battery electric buses has attracted wide interest, says Minister for Transport and City Services, Chris Steel.

Market sounding opens for ACT’s electric bus fleet

By 2024, the ACT Government hopes that every bus on Canberra’s roads will be electric - and they want to buy the first 90 vehicles next year.

ACT Labor promise 90 electric buses as part of zero-emissions push

ACT Labor have today promised to purchase 90 electric battery buses in the next parliamentary term if they win October’s election.
