10.2 C
Saturday, September 21, 2024

Latest news: Mental Health Community Coalition ACT

This year’s ACT Mental Health Month Awards

The ACT Mental Health Month Awards celebrate Canberrans who have supported those experiencing mental health challenges in the ACT.

Job insecurity ‘disturbingly high’ in ACT mental health workforce

The first comprehensive territory-wide study of the community mental health sector’s workforce was published this week.

ACT mental health sector calls for renewed funding

Mental health services will close in June 2023 if the Commonwealth Government does not renew funding, local organisations warned.

Have a chat over a cuppa with the Wellbeing Prioi-Tea project

Many important conversations are held over a warm cuppa. So, this Mental Health Month, ACT workplaces are encouraged to take a break and host a Wellbeing Priori-Tea and chat about mental health.

More to homelessness than housing, ex-homeless Canberran says

“There is not enough housing in the ACT, but just housing isn’t the answer,” says local homeless services provider, Christine Moore, who seeks to draw attention to the link between mental illness...

ACT’s strategy for senior citizens’ mental health

The ACT Government today released a new strategy to improve the mental health and wellbeing of older Canberrans.

Budget investments mainly for bandaid solutions

Mental Health Community Coalition ACT welcomes funding for suicide prevention and mental health services, but says they provide only patches.

ACT community mental health sector facing funding cliff

Canberra’s community-managed mental health sector is facing a funding cliff, according to the Mental Health Community Coalition (MHCC) ACT and the ACT Council of Social Services (ACTCOSS).

I-Day: COVID-19 challenging for people with disability

For many people with disability, the impact of COVID-19 is becoming even more challenging, despite restrictions easing, advocates say.
