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Friday, July 26, 2024

Latest news: Nuclear Submarines

Defence minister lays out need for nuclear subs

Nuclear submarines will enable Australia to protect its sea trade routes, the defence minister says, after government backbenchers questioned the need for the technology.

US nuclear submariners give glimpse into life at sea

Highly trained US submariners live in tight and tough conditions aboard their nuclear-powered vessels but they're immensely proud of the dangerous work they do deep below the surface of the sea.

Paul Keating sinks the boot into ‘irrational’ AUKUS deal

Paul Keating has launched a scathing attack on the AUKUS security arrangement, calling it irrational and an affront to Australia's public administration.

‘Significant’ task dealing with submarines’ nuclear waste

Plans for the disposal of toxic waste from Australia's new fleet of nuclear submarines will be under way within a year as environmentalists raise concerns over the impact of the landmark defence program.

‘No way to sugar coat’ massive nuclear submarine spend

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton says there's no way to sugar coat Australia's massive spend on nuclear submarines and the government needs to come clean on any debts or cuts. 

AUKUS submarines ‘transformational’ for Australia

Concerns over joint-crewing on Australia's future nuclear-powered submarines are "over-hyped" with the AUKUS partnership to be "transformational" for the nation's workers.

Australia finalising details on nuclear submarines

Defence Minister Richard Marles is in final negotiations on Australia's pathway to nuclear-powered submarines.
