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Friday, July 26, 2024

Latest news: Political capital

More ACT politicians? I don’t think so …

Former Chief Minister Jon Stanhope argued this week that it’s time to consider establishing local councils in Canberra. Is this a good idea?

Were we wrong to fight in Afghanistan?

Observing events in Afghanistan at present is a like watching a car crash; the ultimate disastrous outcome has a grim inevitability.

Fairness? Relax! It’s whatever you want it to be

The Federal Opposition has homed in on findings last week by the Auditor-General that the Coalition Government has misused millions of dollars.

Beware the politics of statue-erection

Labor and Greens women MLAs are promoting a petition to erect a statue of a prominent woman in Canberra by 2023.

Climate debate fuels youth hopelessness

Observers of the march through Civic on 21 May – protesting government inaction on climate change – probably fell into two camps.

Time to end Canberra’s love affair with Labor?

It’s not a claim the Labor Party would ever want to be heard making, but it’s true: Labor is the natural party of government in Canberra.

ACT prison designed to fail

After Health, the Corrections portfolio would have to be the biggest poisoned chalice a minister could be given in this Territory.

New tests lie ahead for Anzac spirit

With news of the royal commission into veteran suicide still rolling across the airwaves, I found myself last weekend in Bundanoon.

Can our health system handle the rollout?

The corona crisis has brought out the best in our nation’s leaders, both political and bureaucratic. But it has also exposed their weaknesses.

Political capital: Canberra Liberals clawing out of the grave

It’s six months since the October 2020 ACT election and the humiliating defeat handed to the Canberra Liberals. The electorate delivered them their sixth successive election loss, rubbing salt into the wound by throwing in a 3% swing against them after nearly 20 years in opposition.
