14.1 C
Friday, July 26, 2024

Latest news: Protest

Palestine Parliament House protesters must face ‘full force’ of law: PM

The prime minister has accused protesters of undermining democracy after they breached parliamentary security to unfurl pro-Palestinian banners.

Knitting Nannas needle politicians on climate change

Knitting nannas – an elderly environmental protest group – meet with Federal Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen.

Canberra among cities targeted by pro-Palestinian activists

In a worldwide protest yesterday against the war in Gaza, A15 Action called on supporters yesterday to blockade “the arteries of capitalism”.

ACT Policing: Protests may affect commuters

Canberra commuters should be aware of planned protest activity this week that coincides with the first sitting of Federal Parliament for 2024.

Refugee women call for government to walk with them

A group of women have walked from Melbourne to Canberra to highlight the plight of refugees and call for greater compassion from the federal government.

Parliament House protesters seek permanent visas for refugees

A protest vigil has been held for 12,000 refugees in limbo, with activists calling on the federal government to grant them permanent status.

Protesters disrupt Lord’s Test, threaten to ruin pitch

Australia and England players have had to stop protesters from destroying the Lord's wicket, early on the first morning of the second Ashes Test.

Ukraine supporters protest child deportation outside Russian embassy

This Saturday Canberra's Ukraine supporters head to the Russian Embassy to protest child deportation.

Cost of living protest at Property Leaders’ Summit at APH

A small contingent of activists protested the cost of living at Parliament House in Canberra today, coinciding with the exclusive Property Leaders’ Summit, where property leaders discussed investment and capital markets with...

AFP treatment of Lidia Thorpe ‘disturbing’: Linda Burney

The Indigenous Australians minister Linda Burney says she was concerned by footage of senator Lidia Thorpe being grabbed by police at a protest.

More clashes during French protests over pension reform

Paris police have clashed with demonstrators for a third night as thousands of people marched throughout the country amid anger at the government pushing through a rise in the state pension age without a parliamentary vote.

Police, protesters clash in Paris over pension reforms

Riot police have clashed with protesters in Paris as a new demonstration took place against the government's plans to raise the French state pension age.

French Senate adopts Macron’s unpopular pension reforms

The French Senate has adopted President Emmanuel Macron's unpopular pension reform plan in the wake of a seventh day of demonstrations.

Iran embassy protests to continue until IRGC expelled from Australia

Iranian-Australian protestors in Canberra said the arrests of family members in Iran because of their activism will not stop their demonstrations.

Protester hospitalised after police tackle outside Iran embassy in Canberra

A video posted to social media shows a protester outside the Iranian embassy in Canberra being thrown to the ground by police after a verbal altercation.

Faces of social change at the National Archives

It can happen with the loud bang of breaking down walls, a colourful splash at a protest, or through peaceful letter writing. Regardless of whether it burns fast and bright or slow and careful, social change permanently alters the path a culture was heading down. Those that have altered the direction of modern Australia are celebrated in the National Archives of Australia’s newest exhibition Disrupt, Persist, Invent, until 12 June.
