14.1 C
Friday, July 26, 2024

Latest news: Rebecca Vassarotti

ACT Government boosts rebates to ban wood fires by 2045

The ACT Government will double rebates to remove woodfire heaters – part of its campaign to ban wood heaters by 2045.

ACT Greens promise funding for environmental volunteers

The ACT Greens would increase funding for environmental volunteers, build biodiversity in suburbs, and launch a sustainability hub.

Avian flu strikes again in ACT

A second site in the ACT has tested positive for avian influenza: backyard chickens at a home in the quarantine control area.

ACT Government to recognise the dingo as a local native animal

A genetic study has shown that all wild dogs in Namadgi National Park are descended entirely from dingos, not feral domestic dogs.

Avian influenza found in ACT

Avian influenza (bird flu) has been found in the ACT, but minister Vassarotti says the risk to the public is low.

ACT passes property developers act

Today, the ACT Legislative Assembly will vote on establishing Australia’s first licencing and regulation scheme for property developers.

‘The right foundations’ to measure emissions in construction

The ACT Government has secured agreement for a nationally consistent approach to measuring emissions in the commercial construction sector.

ACT Government: 21,000 more homes for Canberrans by 2029

The ACT Government will release land to deliver more than 21,000 new homes by the end of the decade, this year's ILRP states.

Safe haven for critically endangered rock-wallaby opens in ACT

The Jedbinbilla Safe Haven at Tidbinbilla will save the brush-tailed rock-wallaby, the ACT's mammal emblem, from extinction.

ACT launches Australia’s first local food plan

The ACT will become the first Australian state or territory to launch a plan to support and grow its local food system.

Injection of $350,000 for volunteer groups to safeguard Canberra’s natural environment

In celebration of World Environment Day, Wednesday 5 June, the ACT Government has awarded over $350,000 to 23 community-led projects as part of the 2024 round of the ACT Environment Grants. 

ACT Government projects to protect threatened species and habitat

The ACT Government has announced three new projects to protect and preserve threatened species and their habitat in parks and reserves across the Canberra region.   The three ecologically significant sites chosen for...

ACT Government unveils plan to protect endangered wetlands

The ACT Government has released a new action plan to protect, manage, and improve bog and fen wetland ecosystems in the ACT

ACT Government seeks community input on nature conservation

As part of a 10-year statutory review of the Nature Conservation Act 2014, the ACT Government seeks community views.

ACT Greens: Federal Budget ‘unsurprising and uninspiring’

The ACT Greens say the 2024 Federal Budget disappoints, failing to deliver cost-of-living support for those doing it tough.

ACT Government releases independent review into kangaroo cull

An independent review has praised the effectiveness and animal welfare standards of the ACT Government’s kangaroo management program.
