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Saturday, July 27, 2024

School’s back! 7 tips to support your child with homework

Homework (or home-schooling/remote learning for those still in isolation) can be a rewarding, satisfying experience if done in an organised and efficient way. Here are some tips from Studiosity on how to reduce stress and achieve homework success.

1. Time management

Time management is key to avoiding homework stress. Plotting out the time a child needs to complete homework or an assignment can quickly make what seems like an overwhelming task much less stressful to approach.

  • Set aside a certain amount of time each day to work on their study.
  • Use a calendar or school planner to plot out the work. This will help your child have a good visual of things they need to work towards.
  • Allow enough time to complete the work. Be realistic. Estimate how long you think it will take each day to complete the homework and allow plenty of time for bigger projects and assignments.

2. Ask questions

One of the biggest causes of homework stress is not understanding the question, or how to solve the problem at hand. Make sure they are confident to ask questions and clarify what they need to do. No question is a silly question.

3. Allow more time for areas they find difficult

Take a practice test or write a practice essay and focus on the areas they find the hardest. The more they practise, the less stressful it will be when the time comes to progress to harder tasks.

4. Refresh their memory regularly

Every afternoon, or at least every couple of days, go over what they’ve learnt from previous lessons. If you find that they don’t have the basic knowledge to tackle more difficult subjects, go over this more frequently. This will help them build up their confidence in those areas.

5. Get a good night’s sleep

Research suggests that kids and teens need around 9-10 hours of sleep a night. This will significantly help focus, memory, decision making and creativity, all of which are important inside and outside of the classroom.

6. Avoid procrastination

Procrastination could well be the biggest factor responsible for homework stress. You’d be surprised at how much time they can waste by putting off what they need to do until they have checked out Facebook or listened to a favourite song! Let these be rewards for once their work is completed.

7. Remember to breathe

If your child is starting to feel anxious or overwhelmed by the work, take five deep breaths and give them a moment of calm. Deep breathing will help control their nervous system and encourage the body to relax, bringing them into a better state to concentrate on their study.

Studiosity is a 24/7 study support service being offered for select schools in the Canberra region thanks to the University of Canberra.

The program, funded through UC’s Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program allocation, aims to provide additional study support to students in remote areas, leading to an improvement in university participation rates, through growing confidence, awareness, motivation and academic readiness for higher education.

Students in years 10, 11 and 12 at Bombala High School, Cootamundra High School and Young High School will have free access to the service, which offers 24/7 online help with all core curriculum subjects from a network of highly qualified Subject Specialists. 

To find out about Studiosity, a free parent webinar is being held on Thursday 21 May 7.30pm; https://www.studiosity.com/webinar-canberra-schools

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