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Friday, May 17, 2024

Take 5 with Matt Ryan, coming to Oz Comic-Con Canberra

Welsh actor Matt Ryan, known for his leading role in DC Comic’s Constantine TV series, will be appearing at Oz Comic-Con Canberra on at Exhibition Park this weekend, 5-6 August. CW caught up with the star of stage, screen and video games ahead of his visit to Canberra.

1. Given that you’ve portrayed the same character through live-action and animation, how do you go about preparing for the same role on different media? 

Although there are specific techniques that need to be applied to the various mediums, ultimately the approach in terms of acting is the same. All acting should be based on truth, and from there you can adapt to the requirements of an individual medium.

2. Do video games differ much in this regard? How is the process different and does it allow you to get into character more than animation does? 

The same approach applies, though, for instance when I was shooting for Assassin’s Creed Black Flag, I felt that imagination plays a massive part in the process. It reminded me a lot of being a kid growing up in Wales exploring the nearby woods and village green – with a kid’s imagination, sticks could become swords or guns or whatever. Motion capture is similar as you have a pro with dots on it and you have to imagine that it’s a sword. It was all very exhilarating.

3. What are you looking forward to the most at Oz Comic-Con Canberra? How much time have you spent in Australia previously? 

I’m really looking forward to coming to Oz Con Canberra and meeting the fans. I’ve been to Sydney, Perth, Gold Coast and Melbourne, and I had a great time. The people are great and I’m just looking forward to adding Canberra to that growing list and getting to learn a little about the city.

4. Building off that and given that you have attended these events globally, what is the cultural significance of Comic-Con? How does it celebrate community? 

Everyone who comes to these Cons is there to enjoy, be free, socialise with friends both new and old, and connect over the things we love. It really is a wonderful celebration of a great community.

5. And finally, who would you cosplay as?

Hmm … John Constantine. I have the trench-coat in my closet, hahaha.

For more details about Oz Comic-Con Canberra, visit ozcomiccon.com/canberra/

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