0.9 C
Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Australians feeling mental toll of financial pressures

Financial pressures caused by the rising cost of living are having an extreme impact on the mental health of many Australians as the end of the year approaches. 

A survey of 1000 people conducted by mental health support service Beyond Blue revealed financial stress is the top concern heading into the Christmas season. 

More than 80 per cent of survey respondents said rising expenses negatively affected their mental health, with one in five reporting the impact was extreme.

The survey found people aged 18 to 49 were more likely to report the cost of living as having a negative impact on their mental health.

Yet almost a third of all respondents said they were unlikely to put a plan in place to manage their mental health.

Beyond Blue was prepared to have an influx of demand for support in December, clinical spokesman Grant Blashki said. 

“Last December, we saw a 41 per cent increase on the monthly average in contacts to the Beyond Blue Support Service and we expect the same – if not more – this year,” Dr Blashki said. 

“It’s been a tough year as people grapple with cost-of-living pressures, high inflation, continual rate rises and economic uncertainty.” 

At the same time, people experiencing long-term unemployment are finding it more difficult to secure work. 

The Anglicare Australia 2023 jobs availability snapshot found long-term unemployment had become a trap for many.  

The snapshot measured how many jobs were available for people who did not have qualifications or work experience. 

It found for every entry-level job there were 26 people out of work and, of these, 18 did not have recent experience or qualifications. 

Executive director Kasy Chambers said people with disabilities, those who did not finish year 12 and older workers who lost their jobs later in life had been failed by the system. 

“Our snapshot shows that almost 600,000 Australians in this situation are looking for work,” she said.

“They are long-term unemployed and they are being left behind each year.”

Lifeline 13 11 14

beyondblue 1300 22 4636

By Maeve Bannister in Sydney

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