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Friday, May 17, 2024

Strong Independents propose citizens’ referendum

The Strong Independents, comprising businessman Peter Strong AM and ex-diplomat Ann Bray, have announced their first electoral policy: a People’s Poll.

When 5,000 residents demanded a vote on an issue, Elections ACT would oversee a citizen-initiated referendum.

“Ordinary Canberrans will finally have their voices heard after years of falling onto the deaf ears of the Barr Government,” the candidates said. “The Barr Government is out of touch and out of ideas. The People’s Poll will fix that…”

The policy is based upon the highly successful models operating in other jurisdictions and democracies such as New Zealand and the United States.

“The People’s Poll is an answer to the frustrations of Canberrans created by a Labor-Greens Government that takes winning for granted, an Opposition that can’t seem to get organised enough to be an alternative, and four long years between elections,” Mr Strong said.

“The ACT Electoral system makes it nearly impossible for any candidate outside of the Labor-Greens coalition and Liberals to get elected. Tens of thousands of Canberrans have no representative in the ACT Assembly. The 23-year reign of the Labor-Greens Government means they have stopped listening. This must change…”

“The ACT has no checks and balances provided by an Upper House,” Ms Bray said. “The Government’s Backbench is smaller than Ministry, so we will never see a back bench revolt.

“Our highly educated population deserves a greater say in how Canberra is managed, and we will give it to them.”

The Strong Independents were the first independent candidates to contest the election. Mr Strong was CEO of the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia for more than 11 years, and appeared on national media. He owned Smiths Alternative Bookshop in Civic.

Ms Bray, a trained medical scientist, worked in the private sector and Commonwealth Public Service for 35 years, most recently as an Australian diplomat in Washington DC. She has also been a small business owner.

They believe that ACT Labor has become lazy and complacent, and lost its way, while the Liberal party is not yet ready to hold government, because the right wing still holds sway.

 “We have never seen such an upswell of concern and a groundswell for change,” Ms Bray said. “We want to be part of it.”

“Labor needs some time out,” Mr Strong said. “The Liberals aren’t a good alternative. It does not bode well for good government to have a weak opposition. A strong cross bench will result in better government.”

The Strong Independents promise professional transparent government administration, genuine consultation, evidence-based decision-making, open transparent communications, and meeting the needs of the majority of Canberrans, and those doing it tough.

“We will be running as we are concerned about good government,” Mr Strong and Ms Bray said. “We will be analytical and evidence-based in our thinking and decision-making. We will consult widely. And we will be honest and ethical in our dealings. We don’t have vested interests.”

“A vote for Strong Independents is a vote for a strong democracy, for strong transparency and strong integrity,” Ms Bray said.

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