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Sunday, September 29, 2024

The real cost of getting Olympians to the podium

Olympics is the pinnacle of sporting achievement and it may look exhilarating but it’s also expensive, so the ACT Government is chipping in $100,000 for 34 local athletes. 

To give you an idea of the costs involved in getting to the 2024 Paris Olympics, paralympian Sam Harding, a triathlete from the ACT Academy of Sport, flies to the UK tomorrow for a qualifying round, and the week after to Canada for another qualifier. That’s a round-the-world plane ticket before he even gets to Paris. 

Sam, who is vision impaired and works part-time as a remedial massage therapist, said every little bit of funding helped. 

“The extra money definitely helps out a lot because I will go over-budget for this campaign,” Sam said. “Triathlon Australia provides me with a budget. as well as the guides who run with me. I haven’t picked the cheapest sport to move into.” 

So far this year, Sam’s been away for five months of the year in his campaign to get to Paris. The good news is, Triathlon Australia considers him podium potential. 

“Maybe I’ll get lucky with the investment and It’ll all come off to plan,” he said. “So far I’m in the top nine.” 

Sam is hoping to wear the green and gold at his third Paralympic Games, previously selected in athletics for London. In Tokyo he transitioned to paratriathlon ahead of the 2022 Commonwealth Games, where he claimed silver.  

The ACT was the first jurisdiction in Australia to deliver funding parity for the Olympic and Paralympic Teams.  

The latest funding from the ACT Government will help Sam and other athletes meet the increased training, competition, equipment and travel expenses. 

All 34 athletes were identified by their respective sporting organisation as a prospective member of the 2024 Australian Olympic or Paralympic Teams, three have been officially selected to date. Sam finds out if he’s selected at the end of June. 

Minister for Sport and Recreation, Yvette Berry, said preparing for the Olympics and Paralympic Games was a huge task. 

“The ACT Government is proud to be able to support our athletes by making the road to Paris a little bit easier,” she said. “Athletes across a broad spectrum of Olympic and Paralympic sports, including cycling, para-athletics, hockey, rowing, para-swimming, skateboarding and football will be supported through this funding program. 

“With only two months to go until the Paris Olympics, it won’t be long until we will be able to watch our local heroes go for gold. I know all of Canberra will get behind the team.” 

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