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Thursday, October 17, 2024

ACT election: Family First Party ACT

The Family First Party ACT says it will make a political stand for family, life, marriage, faith, and freedom at October’s election.

“People should vote for Family First because it is the only party that will prioritise the family, as understood for millennia, as the building block of strong communities,” campaign director Ray Hentzschel says.

In Family First’s view, the Australian democratic way of life is under threat from a radical left and libertarian right that challenges the very concept of family itself, and which is becoming more and more coercive.

“The ACT is arguably Australia’s most anti-family and anti-faith jurisdiction,” Mr Hentzschel says.

“The Labor-Greens Coalition Government has legalised dangerous drugs; made abortion-to-birth free; stolen a church hospital [Calvary, now North Canberra Hospital]; plans to extend euthanasia to children; aggressively promotes harmful gender fluid ideology to children; and much more. Sadly, in all this, the Liberals are largely silent.”

Family First argues that restoring the primacy of the family in public policy requires upholding traditional religious values, which it considers the source of every Australian’s freedoms (whether they are religious or not).

“While Family First is a party for people of all faiths and none, its core values are unashamedly those of the Judeo-Christian ethic, which is the basis of Western civilisation and Australia’s founding,” Mr Hentzschel said.

“Family First fights for policies which strengthen mums, dads, kids and extended family groupings which include everyone.

“This starts with a commitment to religious freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of school choice, and freedom to protect children from harmful agendas like gender fluidity.

“For young men and women to be able to form families and flourish, the cost-of-living crisis must be addressed urgently by bringing energy prices down and making housing affordable by increasing land supply and cutting regulation.

“Family First’s goal is to place principled women and men of courage into the Territory Parliament to shift political priorities to favour family, freedom, faith and life.”

Family First will announce its candidates once the pre-selection process is completed.

Would Family First preference any of the major parties? “For Family First, it’s not about parties, it is about people,” Mr Hentzschel said. “Candidates whose values most closely align will receive our preferences.”

For more information, visit https://www.familyfirstact.org.au/.

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