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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Opinion: Boycott the major parties and support independents

Dr Vanessa Picker, Independents for Canberra lead candidate for Brindabella, is asking voters to boycott the major parties and instead vote for Independent candidates who represent genuine community-led change.

“I am calling on the people of the ACT to break free from the status quo and vote for Independent voices who will deliver accountability, transparency, and real solutions,”she said.

Her call for people to boycott the major parties comes as an awareness piece for Canberra’s voters to consider what a new style of politics could look like for Canberra. The Independents for Canberra candidates will hold seats in the crossbench to keep the major parties honest and to deliver on their promises. It’s time for change.

“The 23-year Labor Government has clearly failed us,” Dr Picker said. “The Liberals offer no viable alternative, and the Greens have simply become part of Labor’s problems. It’s time for real change. This election, we have an unprecedented number of Independent candidates, people with deep community ties, real experience, and the passion to deliver for their communities.”

Why Boycott the Major Parties?

Why should voters consider rejecting the major parties this election?

  • Broken Promises: The major parties have repeatedly failed on real key issues like Canberra’s housing, healthcare, education, and the environment.
  • Entrenched Power: Labor has held power for 23 years, they are becoming complacent. The Greens, now closely aligned with Labor, share responsibility for these failures.
  • Fear Tactics: The major parties are misleading voters by suggesting they have only two choices, to vote either Labor or Liberal. Making claims that a vote for Independents is somehow a vote for their major party opponent. This is not correct. An Independent vote is just that, an independent vote.
  • Suppressing Independent Voices: Major parties do not want independents in the Legislative Assembly because Independents hold them accountable and prioritise community interests over party interests.

Why Support Independent Candidates?

Supporting Independent candidates means voting for real people who are committed to delivering change. Independents bring fresh perspectives, accountability, and solutions based on listening to our community.

“We’ve seen the ACT lead the way on historic reforms before – from progressive policies to the Voice to Parliament,” Dr Picker said. “Now it’s time to say yes to Independent voices who will fight for transparency and accountability. It’s time to break the cycle of entrenched power and make our government more responsive and responsible.”

How to vote Independents on Polling Day:

1. Vote for all your preferred Independent candidates in order of choice (1-5).

2. After voting for Independents, you can stop voting or vote for minor parties.

Views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Canberra Daily.

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