Hollington Drive focuses on the lives of two sisters, Theresa (Anna Maxwell Martin, Line of Duty), and her older head teacher sibling, Helen (Rachael Stirling, Wild Bill). Theresa was living a blissful middle-class existence, until a local mother turns up on her doorstep with news that her son is missing. This missing boy was friendly with Theresa’s children and his disappearance makes Theresa question their recent strange behaviour. Could they somehow be involved with the disappearance? And how far will Theresa go to help them cover up their mistakes?
To celebrate the 19 January release of Hollington Drive (M) on DVD, Canberra Daily has eight copies to be won, valued at $29.95 each.
To enter, email [email protected] with ‘Hollington Drive’ in the subject field. Tell us your name, full contact details (including best delivery address) and one of the stars of this series. Entries close 9am Friday 21 January 2022 and winners drawn same day. One entry per person. Entrants must be aged 18+.
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