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Saturday, July 27, 2024

A kick in the right direction

With a stellar debut behind them and absolutely no chance of second year syndrome, Kick 2 Kick 4 a Cause is back, and this time they know exactly what it takes to kick the footy for 24 hours.

Kick 2 Kick 4 a Cause will see 100 Canberrans joining forces for a 24-hour kick of the footy at Deakin Oval on Saturday 16 March from 4pm.

While registrations have now closed, the team behind the event are encouraging the public to get behind them and their goal of raising $100,000 to support Menslink.

With nearly 3,000 people dying by suicide in Australia every year, and 75% of those being male, they saw raising funds for Menslink as a great way to assist in overcoming this pervasive issue.

Menslink CEO Martin Fisk says Kick 2 Kick 4 a Cause is a fantastic way to support programs assisting young men in building resilience.

“They’re going to show amazing resilience by kicking the footy for 24 hours,” he said.

“Resilience isn’t something you’re born with, but it is something you can learn. The money raised by Kick 2 Kick 4 a Cause will go directly toward our programs to teach young fellas how to bounce back and kick a ball time and time again.”

Kick 2 Kick co-founder Matt Cooney says men their age and a bit younger tend to be left behind when it comes to mental health issues, and are slowly catching up.

“Our message is that for all men at any age, if you have a problem find someone to talk it over with.

“There’s not a problem that can’t be resolved … if we save one person’s life through what we do with this event, then it’s all been a success.”

Kick 2 Kick 4 a Cause will take place at Deakin Oval from 16 March 4pm to 17 March 4pm. To donate and for more information, head to kick4acause.net; funds raised will go toward supporting Menslink.

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