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ACT fireys to ‘climb Everest’ via Mt Ainslie for Lifeline

ACT firefighters are gearing up for the hike of their life, climbing the elevation of Mt Everest up and down Mt Ainslie to raise much needed funds for Lifeline Canberra.

So far, the ESA Ainslie to Everest fundraiser has banked almost $30,000 for the organisation, with a total target of $50,000. Every $26 donated is a chance for Lifeline to be able to answer the call of someone in crisis and potentially save a life from suicide.

The heroic firefighters have split into five teams, each walking approximately 36km – which is four round trips of Mt Ainslie’s summit track, up and down – all while wearing their breathing apparatus.

ACT Fire and Rescue (ACTF&R) Chief Officer, Matthew Mavity, said the firefighters who are participating in the fundraiser are “excited” to be supporting a worthy cause.

“Being a firefighter is a physically and emotionally challenging career, which is one of the reasons ACTF&R prioritises the normalising of discussions around mental health,” Mr Mavity said.

“Lifeline Canberra is a fantastic organisation to support as they truly change lives by helping the Canberra community.”

Lifeline Canberra CEO, Carrie-Ann Leeson, said she’s thrilled to be collaborating with ACTF&R and looks forward to hitting the slopes of Mt Ainslie alongside the firefighters.

“Lifeline exists to support individuals in crisis and prevent suicides in our community, and ACTF&R are there to support individuals in crisis and keep them safe, so our communities coming together is something we’re looking forward to,” Ms Leeson said.

“It costs around $26 to take a lifesaving call, so the funds already being raised will go towards assisting thousands of Canberrans in need.”

Ms Leeson noted there’s been a 40 per cent increase in those reaching out for help to Lifeline Canberra throughout the COVID-19 pandemic over the past two years.

“And we anticipate it will keep increasing over the next three years, so we’re very much looking forward to Saturday,” she said. “I hope the community come out to support us and say hello.”

Organiser of the event and fellow firefighter, Sean Guinard, said the event could be something special for the community, and is hopeful it’s the first of many.

“As anyone who chooses to join emergency services, I’m really here to help the community. So, doing a fundraiser event such as this really allows us to show our thanks for what Lifeline does,” Mr Guinard said.

“We’ve created something that could be really special and hopefully the first of many Ainslie to Everest events. I’m really excited about it.

“Any additional community support would be amazing – come down to Mt Ainslie, we’ve got an open day planned, kids and families can come down, and it will be a really good day. We’re going to struggle to complete this event so any support we will welcome with open arms.”

ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services Mick Gentleman said the event is a “great opportunity” for Canberrans to get behind our local firefighters and support Lifeline.

“I encourage Canberrans to come down to the foot of Mt Ainslie and support our challengers as they climb, or go online and support the go-fund-me website,” Mr Gentleman said.

“All funds raised from the event will go directly to Lifeline Canberra Crisis Support Service which will provide assistance to the Canberra community in their time of need.”

ESA Ainslie to Everest is on Saturday 19 March, 6am to 6pm along the Mt Ainslie Summit Track. To support the cause and donate to Lifeline, visit esaainslietoeverest.gofundraise.com.au

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