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Thursday, February 6, 2025

ACT inquiries: Mynas, climate change, property development

Birds, climate change, and property development are the subject of Legislative Assembly inquiries announced this week.

Common myna control efforts

The Standing Committee on Environment, Climate Change and Biodiversity will inquire into and report on the efforts to control Indian (common) myna birds in Canberra. The inquiry will focus on the environmental and agricultural impact of the common myna in the ACT, current control activities and their effectiveness, the role of government in controlling common myna populations, and the animal welfare implications of control efforts.

Committee Chair, Dr Marisa Paterson MLA, said: โ€œInternationally, the common myna is considered one of the most invasive bird species, and some Canberrans are well aware of the presence of common myna in our suburbs and nature reserves. This inquiry will shed light on the extent of current efforts to control their presence, the appropriateness of the methods used, and any further steps that can be taken to minimise the environmental impact of the Common Myna on vulnerable plants and animals.โ€

The terms of reference are available from www.parliament.act.gov.au/parliamentary-business/in-committees/committees/eccb/inquiry-into-petition-17-23-indian-common-myna-controlย 

Submissions can be made by email to [email protected]. Submissions close 18 March 2024.

Climate change and a just transition

The same committee will inquire into and report on how the ACT can ensure that all Canberrans get the benefits and protections of action on climate change.

โ€œThe ACT Government has a range of programs supporting the transition to electrification and encouraging increased energy efficiency,โ€ Dr Paterson said. โ€œThis inquiry will examine both the effectiveness of these programs, and the equitable distribution of the variety of rebates on offer. Additionally, the Committee will focus on the transition of the workforce by looking at the training required to support the development of skills needed for electrification and decarbonisation.โ€

The terms of reference are available from www.parliament.act.gov.au/parliamentary-business/in-committees/committees/eccb/inquiry-into-climate-change-and-a-just-transitionย 

Submissions can be made by email to [email protected]. Submissions close 19 February 2024.

The Property Developers Bill 2023

The Standing Committee on Planning, Transport and City Services will undertake an inquiry into the Property Developers Bill 2023.

The ACT Government announced last month that it would introduce Australiaโ€™s first licensing and regulation scheme for property developers to hold them responsible and accountable for residential developments.

The Bill functions as the terms of reference for the inquiry and is available on the Committee website https://www.parliament.act.gov.au/parliamentary-business/in-committees/committees/ptcs/inquiry-into-property-developers-bill-2023

โ€œThis legislation seeks to introduce a number of new measures, including a regime for licencing and regulating property developers, and a framework for liability for rectifying defects,โ€ said Jo Clay MLA, Committee Chair. โ€œThe Committee is seeking input from anyone interested in this Bill, including industry stakeholders, peak bodies, community organisations, and the public. Given property developers are an integral part of constructing Canberraโ€™s homes, offices and business accommodation it is important to ensure that the public can have confidence in the measures in this Bill, including the regulatory scheme it proposes.โ€

Submissions close 16 February 2024.

Public hearings will be conducted on Thursday 7 March 2024.

Information about how to make a submission is available on the Assembly website.

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