This year marks 75 years of official friendship between Australia and Brazil, as Brazilian Ambassador His Excellency Dr Sergio Lima calls the future possibilities for the two beach-and-barbecue-loving nations “enormous”.
It’s an odd year...
Okay, scratch 2020. Onwards and upwards. As the New Year approaches, it’s natural to start thinking about goals, resolutions and personal progression – and health and fitness are obvious places to start.
As Ireland's Ambassador to Australia, His Excellency Mr Breandan O Caollai, and his wife, Ms Carmel Callan, show Canberra Daily around the 2004 custom-built residence, the couple entirely live up to the...
Free or low-cost family adventures in Canberra this summer
If you’re looking for free or affordable family entertainment these summer holidays, CW’s school holiday adventure guide will have you tripping the parliamentary triangle,...
Originally from the Kiwi capital of Wellington, New Zealand High Commissioner Dame Annette King is loving life in Canberra with her husband Ray and said her first two years here have flown...
CW journalist Cassandra Power asked Canberrans to describe their 2020; their plans and how they adapted to change, what skills they may have picked up or personal challenges they have overcome.
With neighbouring coronavirus hotspots now raising the possibility of more isolation for Canberrans this Christmas, ACT Policing is urging the community not to delay seeking help with domestic and family violence services.
The idea that the bushfire recovery efforts one year on have our coastal neighbours recovered and moved into new homes is a misconception, according to the national online charity GIVIT, who say...
Weston Creek Men’s Shed is coordinating with the Quaama Men’s Shed to send a second shipping container of donated tools and craft supplies to fire-affected residents in the NSW Bega Valley.
Following a raid on a Canberra law firm today, a 54-year-old man and a 47-year-old man have been arrested for facilitating large quantities of cash and laundering the proceeds of crime.
ACT Policing...