A 28-year-old Waramanga woman has traded a high-paid real estate job and a new home in Coombs for a nomadic life in a van and it’s all thanks to TikTok.
Canberra’s climbing community is in free-fall with the closing of the 25-year-old Canberra Indoor Rock Climbing business in Mitchell – the oldest climbing gym in Australia.
The curtain at the Canberra Theatre Centre has gone down on many stars over the years but once, the curtain accidentally went up and seeing as it’s their 60th anniversary, CD is sharing some backstage yarns.
An artist has staged a protest at Canberra’s high-security Russell Offices – the heavily-guarded administrative headquarters of the Australian Defence Force - and projected the word “genocide” on to the towering Australian-American Memorial.
The last surviving free “traditional” folk festival in Australia lies just 90 minutes from Canberra, with the Numeralla Folk Festival quietly puttering along since 1974.
A Canberra man is taking city pride to the next level by embarking on a towering challenge—attempting to photograph the 195.2-metre-high Telstra Tower from all 117 suburbs.
Canberra resident Jeremy Wikner is a “dog whisperer” of sorts, training dogs to be expert trackers and his natural teaching method – the only one like it in Australia - is sought after in South Africa, New Caledonia and New Zealand.
With all the recent paranoia about artificial intelligence (AI) – such as panic over job-stealing computers taking over the world - Canberra was way ahead of the curve and in 1974, hosted an AI symposium.
Due to Santa shortages in Australia’s urban shopping centres, Rivett resident Tony Moore – who’s been a local Santa for 25 years - has been flown all-expenses-paid to Perth, Mackay and Brisbane to fill vacancies.
Soaring five storeys high in the middle of Civic’s concrete jungle lies a hidden vegetable garden that is possibly the highest veggie patch in the city.