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Friday, July 26, 2024

Bake the world a better place, buy from local bakers via Bakesale

This month saw the dawn of a baking revolution, as the first stones were laid for a brand new online marketplace, made just for home-bakers.  

What many people don’t know is that Canberra is home to hundreds of home-baking small businesses, who sell their goods mostly via social media and through word of mouth. For years, home-bakers have struggled to get their small businesses off the ground, relying on repeat customers or muddled online marketplaces, and getting drowned out by mass-production bakehouses.

No one knows this better than Royal Canberra Show champion and CWA judge, Andrea Butler. Her brainchild, Bakesale, is designed to be a polished online storefront that makes sales easy, so home-bakers can get back to doing what they love.

Launched in BETA mode in early April, Bakesale is a labour of love being brought to life through the pandemic, made for home-bakers, by a home-baker.

When Andrea was unable to provide her baked goods to friends and family, she noticed how difficult it was to find and recommend other home-bakers, even just within the ACT.

“Likewise, it was difficult for home-bakers to find clients,” says Andrea. “That’s where Bakesale comes in; we create the connections.”

A recipient of the Canberra Innovation Network entrepreneur scholarship, Bakesale was sponsored as a sustainable business supporting local bakers.

“We’re disrupting the baking market!” says Andrea.  “Saying no to mass-produced, churned-out and shipped-in products, when there are talented local bakers right here in Canberra.”

The primary value that Bakesale will offer is their clean, easy-to-use online platform, with tools specifically created to meet the needs of professional home-bakers.

“The home-baking market is unique,” explains Andrea. “It needs tools for pickup, delivery, and facilitating connections.

“Home-bakers are inviting customers into their homes. It’s a kitchen-to-kitchen based market.”

Home-bakers can have their own store space on Bakesale, add their branding, set their prices, and choose delivery methods.

“We manage the admin and finances, running the platform in the background so they can get back to doing what they love – baking!”

Bakesale’s geo-location feature allows customers to see what locals have to offer in their city, state, or even their street.

“Most importantly,” Andrea notes, “you can also search a location that’s far away. So, if you want to gift baked goods to your mum on Mother’s Day – even if she’s in another state – you can send her homemade goods from her local area.”

Bakesale is Canberra-born and based but will soon be expanding across the Eastern seaboard.

The fully operational Bakesale platform will launch in June for Canberra bakers and then will be rolled out in stages across NSW, Victoria and Queensland.

Andrea says that now is the time for Canberra home-bakers to get in touch with Bakesale at [email protected] to be on board for the June launch.

“There are a few reasons why homemade is best, even better if it’s local,” says Andrea. “We all know there’s a bit of magic in homemade. More customisation, more range, and a better product for a fairer price.”

Any registered ABN-holding food business can join Bakesale. Simply register at bakesale.com.au or get in touch at [email protected] to set up your store. There are no joining fees, and online tools are free to use.

Bakesale was designed with the community in mind. When a sale is made, just 5 per cent commission is paid to keep Bakesale running.

Join the Baking Revolution at bakesale.com.au

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