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Saturday, July 27, 2024

How long until ‘BBC Dad’ viral video is eclipsed?

This week, it’s come to my attention that the current home schooling situation has the potential to provide plenty more hilarious fodder like the ‘BBC Dad‘ viral video.

You know the one; the footage of two small children interrupting the ‘BBC Dad’ news interview back in 2017. Professor Robert Kelly is talking about South Korean politics when his two youngsters gatecrash the interview, leaving mum to quickly usher them out. The comical family blooper subsequently went viral.

Luckily for me, my offspring are in their 20s and have moved out of home so the likelihood of them interrupting my online interactions, or vice versa, is miniscule.

But take this week’s escapade of a friend of ours, who, for the purposes of this story and to protect the innocent, will be known as ‘CBR Mum’.

With three teenager daughters studying remotely and a husband working from home at the moment, our friend regaled us with her tale of what had the potential to eclipse even BBC Dad.

Having just hopped out of the shower, CBR Mum heard one of her daughters yelling that she’d spilled soda water all over the table and the laptop and mobile phones on it. Still dripping and naked, CBR Mum immediately dashed to living room to sort out the mess while busily shouting instructions – only to discover another daughter was on a zoom session with her school biology class in the same room. Oh the horror! Except that her daughter’s headphones cancelled out the audio and the laptop camera was pointing away so didn’t capture her nudity. Phew! Lucky for CBR Mum, but lost opportunity for viral comedy gold.

So what did CBR Mum learn from this?

A few things.

  • Home schooling is challenging.
  • People can be clumsy, so the only cups allowed on work surfaces are keep cups and drink bottles with lids on.
  • Oh, and take that extra second to grab a towel or robe to cover yourself – just in case.

For more musings from our editor:

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