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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Capital Region Farmers Market celebrates 20 years, providing nearly $4m in community support

Capital Region Farmers Market celebrates 20 years in 2024. That’s 20 years supporting worthy community projects via the Market Founders, Rotary Club of Hall.

“What some people don’t realise is that every time they shop at Market, they’re contributing to some very worthy causes. Over the past 20 years, Market stallholder fees have been donated to local, regional, national and international projects determined by Rotary. Since 2004, close to $4 million in funding has been provided,” said Capital Region Farmers Market Manager, Sarah Power.

“When Canberrans shop with us, they are not only supporting local farmers and their families, they’re making a very real difference to the lives of many people both here and overseas. We’ve provided support for global organisations, health foundations and much-needed medical aid, to the local fire brigade, grants for local schools and individual refugees.

“Rotary Club of Hall is consistently working towards providing support to as many people as possible,” Sarah continued.

One of the best stories of support includes The GO Foundation. Rotary’s desire to balance the scales for Indigenous children in the capital region through cultural and educational support led to a collaboration with footballers Adam Goodes and Michael O’Laughlin in establishing a Canberra version of their scholarship program. $300,000 has been committed to date.

In 2017, a $50,000 donation helped the Cure Brain Cancer Foundation bring the international BIOMEDE clinical trial to Australia, giving hope to children living with a lethal type of brain tumour. And still in the field of medicine, ROMAC (Rotary Overseas Medical Aid for Children) provides life-changing or life-saving and complex operations for children. Rotary Club of Hall has been providing the partial or whole ACT medical access expenses of one child a year (up to $6,000) for over a decade.

“We just can’t celebrate our 20th year without reflecting on the many people we’ve got to meet and help in some way – whether that’s big or small. And we look forward to providing more support in future,” Sarah concluded.

Capital Region Farmers Market is open on Saturdays throughout the year, 7am-11.30am at Exhibition Park in Canberra. The Market’s 20th Birthday celebrations will take place on Saturday 16 March 2024. For more information, visit www.capitalregionfarmersmarket.com.au

Exhibition Park in Canberra (EPIC)

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