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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Connect over a cuppa to help fight cancer

Cancer Council ACT is encouraging the local community to connect over a cuppa for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea on Thursday 28 May and join thousands across Australia in support of those affected by cancer.

Long-term cancer survivor Tahnee Bass will be celebrating her 33rd birthday on 28 May, the official date of Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea, and will be hosting her fifth consecutive morning tea at work with her colleagues.

As her work eases back into having more people in the office, Ms Bass said she will host her morning tea when there will be the most staff in the office, abiding by COVID-19 restrictions, while also encouraging other staff to ‘attend’ via video link.

This year, she is dedicating the event to her mother-in-law who passed away last year after a four-year battle with pancreatic cancer. She said now more than ever it is important to help find a cure.

“This [COVID-19] could be what we are living with for a while,” Ms Bass said. “For those going through treatment it is a terrifying time for them. You couldn’t leave your house without fear of what’s out there. It’s time to find a cure.”

Ms Bass knows all too well the challenges and fears that come with not just one cancer diagnosis, but two. She was diagnosed with Leukaemia in 1999, when she was 11 years old, followed by a secondary cancer in her thyroid discovered in 2004. She is now cancer-free.

Every year, on average 1,600 people in the ACT are diagnosed with cancer and sadly 500 people die from the disease. Every dollar raised through Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea will help fund Cancer Council ACT’s support services, prevention programs and important life-saving research.

Cancer Council ACT CEO, Sandra Turner, said “while it isn’t the time to be gathering in large groups, there are still ways people can connect and make a real difference to those affected by cancer”.

“Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea is a great opportunity to get innovative and find new ways to ‘come together’ as a community, even though we’re apart. I encourage all Canberrans to have a cuppa and make a donation to help us continue to assist people affected by cancer in the ACT,” Ms Turner said.

If you’re unable to host or participate in a morning tea yourself in May or June and still want to contribute, you can donate directly through the website at biggestmorningtea.com.au

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