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Friday, September 13, 2024

Fiona Carrick’s Vision for Woden Town Centre

Independent candidates Fiona Carrick and Marea Fatseas today released their Vision to make Woden Town Centre a vibrant hub of community and commerce.

“Woden Town Centre, the CBD of Canberra’s southern suburbs, is poised to undergo a transformative revitalisation with the right leadership and ambition,” Ms Carrick said. “Our vision is to create a thriving, inclusive community hub that seamlessly blends residential, commercial, and civic spaces. This dynamic environment will provide a place for people to live, work, learn, and play.

“By realising this vision, the Woden Town Centre will become a destination for residents across the south, offering a high quality of life for its residents and a thriving environment for businesses and visitors alike.”

The draft plan includes:

A 13-hectare Health, Education, and Sports Precinct opposite the hospital would include allied health services; higher education facilities; an indoor sports stadium; an aquatic centre; Phillip Enclosed Oval; and more parking. Ms Carrick says this would significantly enhance the surrounding area and maximise community benefit.

A vibrant Entertainment Precinct would include an art centre, showcasing local talent and fostering creativity and cultural exchange; and a town square, bustling with active shops, music, and a playground where residents could gather. Ms Carrick believes that Woden’s once-thriving recreational precinct has been torn down or moved, leaving nothing but high-rise apartment blocks.

Community organisations would have secure, shared space in the Callum Offices (the four-storey community centre announced last month) next to the bus interchange. This would help them build the staff and resources needed to advocate and deliver services.

Better access to the town centre and more parking would attract people from the surrounding suburbs to shop, recreate, and socialise.

Ms Carrick says her plan would “re-balance the current inequitable distribution of social and economic infrastructure in Canberra”.

To achieve this goal, Ms Carrick proposes that Woden Town Centre be designated an urban renewal precinct under the City Renewal Authority and Suburban Land Agency Act 2017. This would provide the necessary governance arrangements for consultation, collaboration, and design.

Ms Carrick says that her plan aims to increase social and community participation, stimulate the economy, and improve urban planning.

“Fostering a vibrant, inclusive, and resilient community is paramount,” Ms Carrick said. “We aim to create a foundation for strong social bonds and a sense of belonging among residents.

“Improving infrastructure, creating public spaces, and creating connections to active areas [would] attract new businesses and jobs.

“Balancing residential, commercial spaces, public spaces, and community facilities will contribute to the social and economic development of the town centre.

Ms Carrick and Ms Fatseas invited public input and feedback.

“Together, we can advocate for a plan to create a vibrant, inclusive, and prosperous community hub that benefits everyone and can be delivered over the coming years.”

ACT Labor announced its plan for Woden yesterday.

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