Protections for shark species targeted in the fin trade and scores of turtles, lizards and frogs will increase following an international wildlife conference.
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, known by its initials as CITES, ended on Friday in Panama.
Enacting protections for more than 500 species, delegates at the United Nations wildlife conference rejected a proposal to reopen ivory trade. An ivory ban was enacted in 1989.
One of the biggest achievements this year was increasing or providing protection for more than 90 shark species, including 54 species of requiem sharks, the bonnethead shark, three species of hammerhead shark and 37 species of guitarfish.
Many had never before had trade protection and now, under Appendix II, the commercial trade will be regulated.
Global shark populations are declining, with annual deaths due to fisheries reaching about 100 million. The sharks are sought mostly for their fins, which are used in shark fin soup, a popular delicacy in China and elsewhere in Asia.
“These species are threatened by the unsustainable and unregulated fisheries that supply the international trade in their meat and fins, which has driven extensive population declines,” Rebecca Regnery, senior director for wildlife at Humane Society International, said in a statement.
“With Appendix II listing, CITES Parties can allow trade only if it is not detrimental to the survival of the species in the wild, giving these species help they need to recover from over-exploitation.”
The conference also enacted protections for dozens of species of turtle, lizard and frogs including glass frogs whose translucent skin made them a favourite in the pet trade. Several species of song birds also got trade protection.
The international wildlife trade treaty, which was adopted 49 years ago, has been praised for helping stem the illegal and unsustainable trade in ivory and rhino horns as well as in whales and sea turtles.
By Kathia Martinez in Panama City
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