26.9 C
Sunday, January 26, 2025

Have you heard? IWD Breakfast, Men’s Health and more

Soroptimist Canberra IWD Breakfast

The Canberra Soroptimist International Womenโ€™s Day Breakfast is on Friday 8 March 6.45am at Canberra Deakin Football Club, 3 Grose St, Deakin. Proceeds will fund scholarships for migrant and refugee women studying at the Canberra Institute of Technology. Tickets: $45, includes full breakfast, a talk by Rebecca Armstrong (Executive Director Synergy), plus live music by the group, Air and Grace. More info: email [email protected]. Book now at trybooking.com/COXRQ.

Men’s Health Education Rural Van

MHERV is a free service, initially for men in rural areas, but is now available to everyone. A Registered Nurse checks blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels, in a 10-minute visit which could save your life. It has saved the lives of nearly 450 people in the past 5 years. The Van will be at the Riverside Plaza North Carpark, Queanbeyan on 8 and 9 March. More info: Contact Wendy on 0417 875 912 or queanbeyanrotary.org.au

NSAA ACT Branch Inc.

The National Servicemenโ€™s Association of Australia was founded in 1987 and now is the second largest ex-service organisation in the nation. The ACT Branch meets on the first Saturday of the month at the Canberra Irish Club, Weston, at 12 noon. The next meeting is on Saturday 2 March. Come along and meet fellow former โ€˜Nashosโ€™ and join in social activities and other events. More info: call Denis on 0477 403 022 or email [email protected]

GIVIT seeks crochet hooks

GIVIT is working with a community services organisation that provides a wide range of programs to enrich peopleโ€™s lives across the ACT. They are requesting crochet hooks for a Canberra-based community needlecraft group that provides personalised, handmade items for patients and their loved ones in hospitals and walk-in health centres. They also support medical workers and charities throughout the Canberra region. Your donation of crochet hooks will allow them to create more items and provide much needed comfort to those in need. Generous Canberrans can donate quality crochet hooks by visiting GIVIT.org.au/whatโ€™s-needed, search Category: โ€˜crochet hookโ€™; Location: โ€˜ACTโ€™.

Lions Community Forum

Bungendore Lions Community Forum on Dementia and Brain Health will be held at Bungendore Scout Hall, Thursday 7 March 9am-1pm. This free event will cover maintaining your brain health, diagnosing, treating and living with dementia, help for carers, and relationship issues relating to Dementia. To book or find out more, email [email protected] or call 0422 772 056.

Tarago Show and Medieval Faire

The Tarago Show and Medieval Faire is returning on Sunday 3 Marchfrom 9am at Tarago Showgrounds. Enjoy a wide array of demonstrations, competitions, local produce and crafts, live music, kids’ entertainment and pony rides, novelty races, real life knights, blacksmithing, Vikings, medieval shows and vendors like you’ve never seen before. Entry: adult $10, child $5, family $25.

Conder Craft Group

Our group meets on the first Thursday of each month 1-3pm at YWCA Mura Lanyon Community Centre, Sydney Nolan Street, Conder. New members are always welcome. Ladies, come along with your sewing, knitting or those projects you have always wanted to complete. Cost is $3. More info: 0406 380 508.

Civic Rostrum Club

Develop your communication and public speaking skills, and gain experience in chairmanship and meeting procedure in a supportive group. Civic Rostrum Club meet 12.35- 1.35pm Tuesdays at the Hellenic Club, 13 Moore Street, Civic. Visitors welcome free, and members pay a semester fee of $55. Other Rostrum clubs meet in Woden and Barton. More info: visit rostrum.com.au, email [email protected] or call 0406 375 080.

Italian Annual Dinner Dance

Come along to an evening of good food and Italian music at the Canberra Deakin Football Club on Saturday 16 March 7pm. Wear your dancing shoes and dance the night away to performer Cosima de Vito and support band, I Giovanotti, from Sydney. This event has been organised by the Federation of Calabresi Canberra, established in Canberra to conserve and promote Calabrian traditions and customs in the Community. Tickets $85. Bookings: call Angela on 0421 390 350 or Teresa on 0410 507 327.

Myeloma Australia Walk

On Sunday 3 March, those living with or affected by myeloma will join Myeloma Australiaโ€™s 3rd national fundraising and awareness walk to support the 22,000 Australians living with myeloma. Canberraโ€™s My Greatest Walk (approx. 3.8km) is on Sunday 3 March 8.30am, meeting at Yarralumla Gallery and Oaks Brasserie, Weston Park Road, Yarralumla. Cost: $20. For more details and to register for the walk, visit myeloma.org.au/mygreatestwalk/

Christ Church Hawker Coffee/Op Shop

Coffee/Op Shop on Saturday 2 March 9am-12pm at Christ Church Hawker, corner Beetaloo Street and Belconnen Way, Hawker. We will be offering for sale: books and puzzles, trash & treasure, pre-loved clothes and jewellery (huge lot of summer clothes under $5), craft Items and a well-stocked cake stall. Free tea/coffee biscuits to all visitors. All welcome! Enquiries: 0428 266 658.

Sahaja Yoga

Free meditation programs every Wednesday 6-7pm at Erindale Neighbourhood Centre, corner of Sternberg Avenue and Comrie Street, Wanniassa. No bookings required. More info: call 6257 2057.

Free Pelvic Floor Workshops

Women of all ages are invited to attend this free workshop presented by a Physiotherapist from Canberra Health Services on Tuesday 5 March 5-7.30pm at Tuggeranong Community Health Centre. This workshop will provide information, education and self-help strategies for women who are experiencing continence problems or wishing to prevent them. Bookings essential: call the Community Heath Intake Team on 5124 9977.

Adopt a pet at Queanbeyan

Until 6 March, you can adopt a pet for a reduced price from the Queanbeyan-Palerang Animal Management Facility, which is full of animals in need of a safe and caring home. Come and see the team at the facility on Old Sydney Road in Queanbeyan; open Monday-Friday 8.30-10.30am and 3-5pm and Saturday 1-5pm. If youโ€™re unable to visit during these times, call the team on 6285 6269 to make an appointment. More info: qprc.nsw.gov.au/Animal-Adoption

Free Money Management Course

This free CAP Money Course helps you find ways to manage on less money and develop skills to manage debt, budget, save and have more control of your finances.ย Held over two Saturday mornings,ย 9 and 16 March 9.15am-12.45pm at Tuggeranong Baptist Church,ย Ground Floor, 23 Garratt Street, Wanniassa. Register by Tuesday 5 March at capmoney.org.auย orย email ย [email protected]ย or ring Robert on 0402 007 551.ย 

Prayers for Peace

The Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture and the Commonwealth Day Committee will hold a service for Commonwealth Day, with the theme โ€˜Prayers for Peaceโ€™, on Monday 11 March 11am at the Chapel, ACCC in Barton. This event promises to be a celebration of unity and diversity within the Commonwealth. More info: acc-c.org.auย 

MarchMingle charity walk

MarchMingle is Canberraโ€™s exciting new 7km intercultural community walk on Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 March. Form a team with your family, friends or workmates. Dress up in your national colours and celebrate your culture! Have fun walking together for a great cause: raising money for the Communities at Work food pantries to help Canberra families who are hurting from the increased cost of living. If you donโ€™t want to walk, you can still help by donating, fundraising or volunteering. Find out more at commsatwork.org/marchmingle/

Westfield Local Heroes

The 2024 Westfield Local Heroes program invites Canberrans to nominate the unsung heroes in our community, who go above and beyond to make a positive change for the people around them, the environment or other important community causes. The program offers $20,000 and $5,000 grants, totalling $1.26 million annually, to provide support to community organisations and the work they do. Nominations close on 18 March. The community vote will be held between 20 August and 9 September to determine the Westfield Local Heroes at each centre, with the grant recipients announced on 15 October. More info: westfield.com.au/local-heroes

HYH submissions

Submissions to our free Have You Heard community noticeboard are reserved for charity, not-for-profit and community organisations. Deadline for submissions is 10 days prior to the Thursday edition date. Email your submission with essential details โ€“ who, what, where, when, cost, contact details โ€“ to [email protected] with โ€˜HYHโ€™ in the subject heading. Flyers and attachments not accepted. Due to space restrictions, please keep it brief. Please note: publication in print is not guaranteed.

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