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Horoscopes 1 – 7 February 2024

Patsy Bennett has put together her horoscopes for the week 1 – 7 February 2024.

ARIES | 21 Mar – 20 Apr

Financial or work news will merit a little research. News may at first seems to knock back some of your plans, and yet with careful adjustments, you could collaborate and work towards an ideal outcome at work and in your personal life.

TAURUS | 21 Apr – 21 May

Positive opportunities concerning travel, study, your personal life or general direction will inspire you. But you risk missing the magic of spontaneity if you focus too hard on the negatives of some circumstances. Plan a date: romance and the arts could thrive.

GEMINI | 22 May – 21 Jun

If you have set ideas about life, you may find that you encounter a surprise or two this week. Keep things grounded and based on facts for best results. You’ll enjoy socialising and engaging in fun activities, especially midweek next week.

CANCER | 22 Jun – 22 Jul

Strong emotions are likely to surface, either in you or someone close. Luckily, it’s an ideal week for romance, especially midweek. Beforehand, keep perspective regarding a shared commitment, otherwise you may be liable to get stuck with negotiations.

LEO | 23 Jul – 23 Aug

A health or work issue is likely to catch your focus. If you have sensitive topics to discuss, you will gain insight into the best way forward. Keep discussions on an even keel. You can progress with a project, trip or legality.

VIRGO | 24 Aug – 23 Sept

An agreement may take you to fresh territory with a friend, family member or at work. If you feel you have been hard-done-by, look for ways to maintain common ground and avoid conflict. Base decisions on facts. News may surprise you.

LIBRA | 24 Sept – 23 Oct

A change at work, with family or a fresh routine could open doors, even if it causes disruptions or you need to sort out a conundrum. Avoid misunderstandings. Midweek will be an ideal time for romance, the arts and domestic improvements.

SCORPIO | 24 Oct – 22 Nov

Take a moment to gain a sense of perspective, especially regarding your home and personal life. It’s a good week to find ways to restore beauty and harmony at home and/or in your environment. Be positive: good news is on the way.

SAGITTARIUS | 23 Nov – 21 Dec

Your hard work will have unexpected gains; you may even receive an unexpected ego or financial boost. It’s a good time to invest in a long-term strategy at home and financially. Be prepared to consider ventures that broaden your scope.

CAPRICORN | 22 Dec – 20 Jan

Financial matters will deserve focus. You may need to reconfigure some aspects of your budget or investments. Developments in your personal and work life will be uplifting, especially if you can see the practicalities and reasons to make changes now.

AQUARIUS | 21 Jan – 19 Feb

News will broaden your scope work-wise and will provide clarity if health matters have been on your mind. A mystery will merit your attention; be sure to gain information. For some January-born Aquarians, news will clarify your personal and home life.

PISCES | 20 Feb – 20 Mar

You’ll enjoy spending time with a favourite group or activity, but may be easily influenced, so be sure to maintain perspective. Be prepared to state your case at work or financially, and be open to positive outcomes; they are coming!

Horoscopes for the week 1 – 7 February 2024 with PATSY BENNETT

For personal readings, contact Patsy through her website, to make an appointment or call 0448 808 333.

Check out the horoscopes from last week.

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