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Friday, July 26, 2024

Horoscopes 28 March – 3 April 2024

Patsy Bennett has put together her horoscopes for the week 28 March – 3 April 2024.

ARIES | 21 Mar – 20 Apr

Be prepared to try something new and to alter your everyday schedule. You’ll enjoy get-togethers and socialising. During the week, the past, health and work matters may demand your attention. Try to get key plans on the table before Monday.

TAURUS | 21 Apr – 21 May

You’ll enjoy time with a group or friend and may also be surprised by developments. You are ready to step into a new field and to broaden your horizons. Try to get work and travel sorted before Monday to avoid delays.

GEMINI | 22 May – 21 Jun

Your sign’s ruler begins a retrograde phase on Monday, so try to get travel and communications sorted by then to avoid delays and misunderstandings. Be prepared to shine: you may have a career boost or enjoy a sense of well-being.

CANCER | 22 Jun – 22 Jul

You’ll appreciate the chance to get together with fun people and a trip, activity or development will take you into an exciting or different environment. Trust your instincts and be ready to go with the flow in a close relationship.

LEO | 23 Jul – 23 Aug

You may be surprised by developments that can boost your career, status or ventures. Be diligent and you will succeed. Romance can thrive now, so be sure to take the initiative. Just ensure you’re on the same page as your partner.

VIRGO | 24 Aug – 23 Sept

An unpredictable person will behave true to form; they may even surprise you. Romance could go off the dial, so be sure to organise a treat. And if you’re unsure of someone, it’s an ideal time to ask for clarity.

LIBRA | 24 Sept – 23 Oct

You’ll appreciate a change in your usual daily work or health schedule. Someone close may have surprising news. Try to get your plans to gain more stability in your life on the table before Monday to avoid delays in April.

SCORPIO | 24 Oct – 22 Nov

You’ll enjoy indulging in your romantic and fun side. If you’re single, you may meet someone unexpectedly. Be sure to invest in yourself and those you love, as you’ll gain the chance to improve your life. Creative Scorpios will be productive.

SAGITTARIUS | 23 Nov – 21 Dec

A change of routine will benefit you and improve your home life, enabling you to enjoy your weekend. If you have key decisions involving those close to you, try to get these sorted out before Monday to avoid delays in April.

CAPRICORN | 22 Dec – 20 Jan

This week will bring a change of circumstance, principally in your personal life or due to a different environment. You’ll enjoy a trip or visit even if unexpected developments arise. It’s a good time for home improvement and simply relaxing.

AQUARIUS | 21 Jan – 19 Feb

Developments may come out of the blue or ask that you adopt an innovative and upbeat approach, especially to your home life and to someone in particular. You may experience an ego boost and the opportunity to improve finances.

PISCES | 20 Feb – 20 Mar

This week innovation is the key to progress, but you will need to be discerning, especially in your personal life. Romance could both thrive and excite you, so plan something special with your beloved. Singles may meet someone unexpectedly.

Horoscopes for the week 28 March – 3 April 2024 with PATSY BENNETT

For personal readings, contact Patsy through her website, to make an appointment or call 0448 808 333.

Check out the horoscopes from last week.

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