15.3 C
Monday, September 16, 2024

Horoscopes 5 – 11 September 2024

Patsy Bennett has put together her horoscopes for the week 5 – 11 September 2024.

ARIES | 21 Mar – 20 Apr

A clever and exciting plan that merits analysis and scheduling could take a giant leap forward. Take the initiative and put building blocks in place that will provide structure for your plans. You may be prepared to make a commitment.

TAURUS | 21 Apr – 21 May

Key decisions merit research. Avoid taking risks or making investments without considering your options carefully. If you’re unsure of someone, ask where you stand, and be prepared for the answer. Be sure to discuss commitments with those your decisions impact.

GEMINI | 22 May – 21 Jun

A realistic and practical approach to your work and to a collaboration will put you in a strong position. Trust your intuition and your values and avoid restricting your options. Research property or domestic matters carefully to avoid making mistakes.

CANCER | 22 Jun – 22 Jul

As proactive Mars enters your sign, where it will be for the next two months, you’ll increasingly gain energy and motivation. You may sometimes feel feistier too, so be careful! Be practical with investments, debts and spending to avoid mistakes.

LEO | 23 Jul – 23 Aug

Developments concerning finances or a close relationship will merit attention to detail, as you could make an important commitment, or take a key financial step. Ensure you consider an optimistic plan carefully and avoid rushing in without the facts.

VIRGO | 24 Aug – 23 Sept

Chatty Mercury enters Virgo on Monday, bringing a busy phase. It’s an ideal time to connect with people, both at work and at home. Key decisions can be made, especially at work and with personal matters. Be adventurous but tactful too.

LIBRA | 24 Sept – 23 Oct

This is a good time to build stability and security in your life, as your efforts are likely to succeed, especially at work, with health and family. But if developments seem restrictive, consider practicalities; everything else will flow from there.

SCORPIO | 24 Oct – 22 Nov

Domestic and family duties will need to be weighed up in contrast with career aspirations or your general direction. You may need to make a tough choice, and so it will be in your interest to be diplomatic for best results.

SAGITTARIUS | 23 Nov – 21 Dec

You could make great progress in your career and general direction, so ensure you take the initiative. But if you’re unsure of your next step, it’s important you seek expert advice. Be careful with communications especially on Sunday and Monday.

CAPRICORN | 22 Dec – 20 Jan

Where would you like to see more stability in your life? The next few weeks will be perfect for discussions and organising yourself. You’re in a strong position to negotiate fresh arrangements, either in your personal life or at work.

AQUARIUS | 21 Jan – 19 Feb

A financial or personal matter will benefit from serious focus. A father or authority figure may play a central role in your decision-making. A plan could bring rewards further down the line, but you must avoid gambling and making assumptions.

PISCES | 20 Feb – 20 Mar

Where you’re unsure of a decision, avoid gambling on your future and instead, obtain specific and trusted advice. A group, friend or organisation can provide you with guidance, so ensure you reach out. Your knowledge may be sought-after too.

Horoscopes for the week 5 – 11 September 2024 with PATSY BENNETT

For personal readings, contact Patsy through her website, to make an appointment or call 0448 808 333.

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