Horoscopes: June 4-10 2020


Francis Bevan has put together his weekly horoscopes for the week June 4-10. This week’s celebrity birthday is Natalie Portman.

Celebrity birthday

Natalie Portman

9 June 1981

Natalie is highly intelligent and resourceful; if she wants something, she will always have a unique way of getting it, even if it seems out of her reach at the time. However, she must avoid scattering her energies and resources as this will only create exhaustion. Her creativity will be flowing strongly throughout the year ahead and it is the ideal time to embark on new projects and ventures. Naturally compassionate, Natalie will always be there for her loved ones.

ARIES 21 Mar – 20 Apr

Review your personal and professional boundaries. Look at where it’s time to make a change, and note the steps required to create better balance for yourself. The Full Moon on 5 June brings a contract or legal issue to organise and important background research needs to be done.

TAURUS 21 Apr – 21 May

A discussion where it is important to know how much to say and when to bite your tongue will be a communication challenge. The Full Moon on 5 June could see a tendency for bickering with loved ones, which makes you feel quite impatient and annoyed.

GEMINI 22 May – 21 June

The energy of June will help get your priorities in place. Extra money will come in but there will be large outlays and streams of small expenses that take funds out quickly. The 5 June Full Moon sees misunderstandings with your partner that you will need to probe and clarify.

CANCER 22 June – 22 July

Be careful about putting limitations around yourself as the dreams you are incubating this month are ones that you can carry forward. The sky’s the limit, according to the stars and planets. The Full Moon on 5 June sees a strong push with a demanding task at work.

LEO 23 July – 23 Aug

Looking deeply into a complex personal issue will answer an important emotional or spiritual question for you this month. The Full Moon on 5 June indicates that issues concerning your children, or younger people, will require you to dig deep to find out what is going on.

VIRGO 24 Aug – 23 Sept

At work and amongst your friends, do your best to avoid those people who like to gossip about others. The Full Moon on 5 June indicates that an emotional exchange on the family front will be the chance to clear the air with a difficult matter.

LIBRA 24 Sept – 23 Oct

Whether you need to make a commitment, try something new or break away from the past, it’s time to listen to your instincts this month. The Full Moon on 5 June warns you to be careful when driving as a bingle or road rage issue is possible.

SCORPIO 24 Oct – 22 Nov

The universe says that June is a time to go gentle with yourself. Don’t be afraid to drop your guard and admit that sometimes, you just need a break. The Full Moon on 5 June brings a string of expenses and outlays, but good fortune on the job front will cover them.

SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov – 21 Dec

There is something bigger going on behind the scenes for you this year that is leading to a deeper reveal of your life’s next major chapter. The Full Moon falls directly in your sign on 5 Juneand brings turbulence in personal relationships and a surge of extra responsibilities.

CAPRICORN 22 Dec – 20 Jan

This year you’ve had stirrings of courage and rebellion that have given you greater insights. You are craving something different and are ready to move into unexpected territory. The Full Moon on 5 June indicates that family discussions are going to reveal vastly different points of view and hidden tensions.

AQUARIUS 21 Jan – 19 Feb

At work, now is the time for planning as you may not be able to make changes to your job or career immediately; you may need to gain qualifications first. The 5 June Full Moon indicates you need to sort out for yourself who your true friends are and aren’t.

PISCES 20 Feb – 20 Mar

In your personal life, big dreams can start to become reality if you begin dealing with the parts of your life that feel chaotic, disorganised or confused. The Full Moon on 5 June indicates that a massive commitment on the job front proves to be quite an endurance test.

WITH FRANCIS BEVAN, francisbevan.com

For more horoscopes:

Horoscopes: 28 May – 3 June 2020