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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Individual water metering for ACT units

Individual water metering will be introduced for new units, to create a fairer water billing system for Canberrans living in apartments, the ACT Government has announced.

โ€œPeople living in mixed-use unit titled developments in the ACT currently pay a fixed charge for water, which was divided up between all unit owners regardless of how much water they used,โ€ Chris Steel, ACT Minister for Planning, said.

โ€œIndividual water metering means unit owners will only pay for the water they use.

โ€œAs our city continues to grow, and we focus on delivering more types of housing choice, itโ€™s important that we modernise water metering in mixed use developments, townhouses and duplexes.โ€

New requirements will apply to development applications lodged from 1 January 2025 for Class B units (generally townhouse type developments), and from 1 July 2028 for Class A units (generally multi-storey developments). Proponents can opt-in earlier to the new requirements if they choose.

โ€œFor existing unit developments, the ownersโ€™ corporation can determine different ways of calculating contribution levies, such as water billing,โ€ Mr Steel said. โ€œFor example, in a mixed-use development with commercial and residential units, a commercial operator that uses a high volume of water may be charged proportionally more, if agreed by the ownersโ€™ corporation by special resolution.โ€

Shane Rattenbury, ACT Minister for Water, Energy and Emissions Reduction, said individual water metering would encourage people to conserve water.

โ€œWater is a finite resource, and we know that the ACT is sometimes impacted by extended dry periods, which will only become more frequent and severe with climate change,โ€ Mr Rattenbury said.

โ€œIndividual billing will allow each household to see how much water they use, enabling them to see where there might be opportunities to reduce water use. Using water more efficiently reduces environmental impacts and sav[es] households money.โ€

The ACT Government is working with Icon Water and the Unit Titles Reform Project Consultative Group on this scheme.

โ€œIcon Water will be responsible for implementing the new metering system,โ€ Mr Rattenbury said. โ€œData will be collected from the meters by Icon Water to inform them to make decisions about water supply infrastructure, identify any leaks and support faster repairs.โ€

For more information, visit the ACT Planning website.

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