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Saturday, July 27, 2024

‘Keep your distance’ as restrictions ease

An update was posted on 18 May 2020.

“If you’re going out to a local restaurant or café – keep your distance when you order and wait for takeaway and be ready to change plans if a venue is full.” That’s the message from Acting Chief Health Officer, Dr Vanessa Johnston as restrictions ease this weekend and the ACT again records no new COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours.

“If you’re heading to the shops – know what you want, get in and buy it, and get out as soon as you can,” Dr Johnston said.

“And for families heading to their local playground – ensure there are no more than 10 people in the playground area at one time, take wipes and hand sanitiser, and ensure kids wash their hands before and after playing.”

Confirmed cases update     

There have been no new cases of COVID-19 recorded in the ACT in the past 24 hours. The ACT’s total is still 107, which includes three deaths and 104 recovered cases, all of whom have been released from self-isolation.   

The number of negative tests in the ACT is now 13,747, with 361 test results received in the past 24 hours.

Remember your responsibilities

Dr Johnston reminded Canberrans that although restrictions have eased, our responsibilities have not.

“We know people are excited to get out and about this weekend, but it’s really important to remember that this pandemic is not over,” she said.

“We all have a responsibility to help keep our community safe. That means avoiding large crowds, keeping a distance of 1.5 metres from others, maintaining good hand hygiene with everything we do, and staying at home if unwell.

General information

ACT Health is continuing to take appropriate public health action in line with national guidelines.  They advise Canberrans to remember four requirements in any situation they face in the coming weeks:

The ACT Government has established a dedicated COVID- 19 website for all information about the health and economic response to the pandemic in the ACT. For further information visit www.covid19.act.gov.au

The ACT Government has also established a helpline to assist Canberrans through the challenges of COVID-19. The COVID-19 Helpline is 02 6207 7244 and open between 8am and 8pm daily.

People who are concerned and want further information on the virus, can also call the Australian Government’s Coronavirus Health Information Line on1800 020 080. The line operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.   

For details on how the ACT stats compare to other jurisdictions across Australia, visit the Australian Government Department of Health website. This information is updated daily.  

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