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Friday, July 5, 2024

More support for disadvantaged ACT students through Equity Fund

This year, 5,000 disadvantaged Canberra students have received more than $3 million for their schooling through the ACT Government’s Future of Education Equity Fund.

The Future of Education Equity Fund helps ACT students from poor families buy book packs, uniforms, excursions, sport equipment and activities, tuition, and music lessons.

Any student enrolled in an ACT school, from preschool to Year 12, is eligible. Preschool students receive $400, primary school students $500, and high school and college students $750.

The ACT Government will boost the Equity Fund by $1 million for the rest of the school year.

“There are Canberrans doing it tough with cost-of-living pressures right now, and the Equity Fund is helping take some of that pressure off families,” Yvette Berry, Minister for Education and Youth Affairs, said.

“We know how important education is, so we want to make sure all of our students have an equal chance to fully engage with their schooling.

“The additional support available through the boost to the Equity Fund announced in the Budget will allow us to support more students and their families with a range of school expenses, including items or activities to enrich their learning.

“Importantly, this additional funding will help us further improve equity and access – principles central to the ACT Government’s Future of Education strategy.”

Applications for the 2024 school year remain open until 29 November. For more information about the fund, and to apply online, visit: www.education.act.gov.au/support-for-our-students/financial-and-resource-assistance-for-families.

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