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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nature’s true architecture showcased in Longitude Latitude Solitude

A touring exhibition opening at Fyshwick’s Humble House Gallery presents a look at our country few, if any, have been afforded before.

Longitude Latitude Solitude, a solo exhibition by Melbourne photographer Andrew Vukosav, features a spectacular sample of bird’s-eye view landscape photos taken from the skies as he flew across the continent.

The project was born from a combination of Andrew’s passion for flight, photography and love of the Australian landscape.

With decades of experience as a highly sought-after commercial photographer, along with a similarly long experience and love of piloting, several years ago Vukosav fitted out his single engine Cessna 182 with a Phase One Industrial digital camera into the underbelly of the fuselage.

“I turned my plane into a camera,” he said, “I can’t move the camera around, so I have to pitch and move the plane to get the shots.”

Andy flying
Andrew Vukosav’s exhibition features a spectacular sample of bird’s-eye view landscape photographs taken from the skies as he flew his Cessna across Australia.

Flying solo on journeys that can take days or weeks at a time, the project began in May 2016 and ultimately saw him spend 247 hours in the sky traveling 62,754km right across our wide brown land.

Having traversed such a distance documenting so many landscapes, Vukosav said he’s drawn to abstract, tessellated desert landscapes with “a painterly quality to them”.

“I like it when you can’t tell what it is,” he said. “I believe it adds a certain something to the images by allowing mother nature the chance to show her true architecture.”

With Australia’s coastlines having been well documented, Longitude Latitude Solitude primarily highlights Vukosav’s affinity for the desert.

Every photograph is remarkable in its elaborate detail and beautiful patterns of vegetation, rock formations, flowing water and animal tracks.

Jupiter by Andrew Vukosav.

The accessibility Vukosav is afforded by his Cessna has allowed him to capture some of the most isolated landscapes imaginable across the Outback.

“To just completely get away from everything so far into the remote parts of Australia you don’t even get air traffic control, that’s where the magic happens,” he said.

“I get really excited about deserts … With the expanse of Australia, the stuff you find is incredible.”

Longitude Latitude Solitude by Andrew Vukosav is on display at Humble House Gallery, Fyshwick, until 27 June; humblehouse.com.au

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