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Friday, September 6, 2024

Operation TORIC arrests 5 recidivist offenders in ACT

ACT Policing officers working within Operation TORIC arrested another five recidivist offenders yesterday, Wednesday 21 September, bringing the total apprehensions so far from the 7-week operation to 49. 

Person 1:  

Earlier this month, ACT Policing received reports of a white Nissan Navara and a red Mitsubishi Lancer being stolen from two separate residences in the ACT.  

On Thursday 15 September, officers patrolling in Coombs observed the two vehicles parked at a children’s playground before they attempted to make contact with the occupants by blocking the Nissan Navara.  

The occupant of the Navara then fled on foot, jumping onto the bonnet of the escaping Mitsubishi Lancer before the vehicle fled away at speed, with the man still clinging onto the front of the vehicle. 

Officers attempted to follow the vehicle where they observed the man on the bonnet of the car enter the driver’s seat before mounting a kerb, greenbelt and footpath.  

Yesterday, officers arrested a 33-year-old Coombs man and he has been charged with a first instant warrant, two counts of driving while disqualified, failing to stop, and two counts of driving a motor vehicle without consent.  

It has been revealed that the 33-year-old had his licence disqualified for a period of up to two years. 

This man was refused watch house bail and will appear before the ACT Magistrates Court tomorrow, Friday 23 September, where police will oppose court bail.  

Person 2:  

When arresting the 33-year-old man at his residence in Coombs, officers also recognised a 28-year-old woman at the property, who had a first instant warrant out for her arrest.  

She was apprehended and charged with breaching her bail conditions.  

The woman was later bailed by the ACT Magistrates Court with no bail conditions, despite being on bail for previous stolen motor vehicle offences.  

Person 3: 

On Saturday 17 September, ACT Policing received reports of a residence break-in which saw keys and a white Ford stolen.  

Yesterday, officers conducting patrols in Kingston observed the vehicle driving along Leichardt Street before parking at a residence in the area. 

Officers followed the 17-year-old into the residence where they placed him under arrest.  

Less than two months ago, the 17-year-old entered into a good behaviour order at the time of these offences. 

He has been charged with driving a stolen motor vehicle without consent, unlicensed driving and being in breach of his good behaviour order.  

He is set to appear before the ACT Childrens Court tomorrow, 23 September. 

Person 4: 

On Monday 12 September, a 47-year-old Belconnen man entered into court ordered bail conditions which included to not be in possession of keys, a fob or motor vehicle, report to an ACT Corrective Services Officer, and not drive or be in the driver’s seat of a motor vehicle.  

That same day, the man failed to report to his ACT Corrective Services Officer.  

Yesterday, officers witnessed the 47-year-old driving on Haddon Street, Hackett before they stopped the vehicle and placed him under arrest.  

The man participated in a drug screening test, which produced a positive result for a prescribed drug in his system before he allegedly admitted to taking cannabis and methylamphetamine.  

Further police checks also indicated that the man’s vehicle was unregistered and uninsured on top of his being unlicensed.   

He is set to appear in the ACT Magistrate’s Court tomorrow, 23 September, where he will be charged with breach of bail, driving an uninsured and unregistered vehicle, driving on a suspended licence, and for driving with a prescribed drug in his system.  

ACT Policing will oppose bail. 

Person 5: 

Last week, a 45-year-old Evatt woman entered into court ordered bail conditions which included residing at her Evatt home.  

On Tuesday 20 September, ACT Corrective Services were advised that the woman had not returned to her residence and advised ACT Policing of her breach of bail conditions. 

Yesterday, 21 September, officers patrolling Narrabundah observed the woman at a bus stop before placing her under arrest.  

While ACT Policing refused watch house bail, the 45-year-old was given bail by the ACT Magistrate’s Court that same day.

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