17.4 C
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Proposal for new Stromlo nature reserve

A minor plan amendment is being prepared to create a nature reserve at Block 403 in Stromlo, and the undeveloped areas of Block 12 Denman Prospect.

Minister for Planning Chris Steel said when the minor plan amendment is ready, the community will be able to have their say on this proposal.

“There is strong community support to turn this area into a nature reserve and protect its environmental values,” said Minister Steel.

“That is why the ACT Government is taking the first step to make this a reality under the new Planning Act. The Territory Planning Authority has been consulting with the Conservator of Flora and Fauna and the ACT Parks and Conservation Service (ACT PCS) in preparation of the minor plan amendment. 

“If a decision by the Territory Planning Authority is made to turn the identified parts of Bluetts Block into a nature reserve, it will mean this area and the significant environment values are protected in perpetuity under the Nature Conservation Act 2014.

“More information on the opening of the public consultation on making this area a nature reserve will be released in the coming months.”

The ACT Government is separately undertaking further investigation and consultation with the lessee on adjacent Block 402 Stromlo regarding the future protection of environmental values.

Minister for the Environment, Parks and Land Management Rebecca Vassarotti said nature reserves are important to protect and conserve animals, plants and their habitats.

“Nature reserves help protect our local environment and maintain the unique character of Canberra as a place where anyone can live close to a reserve to explore, walk, hike or ride and enjoy our beautiful landscape,” said Minister Vassarotti.

“The identified blocks within Bluetts Block have been chosen as a proposed nature reserve due to its extraordinary biodiversity. It is home to a variety of threatened species and plants such as the superb parrot, scarlet robin and the pink-tailed worm-lizard.

“The proposed reserve in this area will provide a vital greenspace for local Molonglo Valley residents, as well as help build resilience against climate change and enhance connectivity across the urban landscape.” 

For more information about local nature reserves, go to the ACT Parks website.

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