The schoolboy accidentally tackled by Scott Morrison during soccer training has shown the prime minister a red card.
“It should have been a penalty,” Luca Fauvette told Nine’s Today Show on Thursday.
Footage of the tackle went viral on Wednesday after Mr Morrison unintentionally bulldozed the eight-year-old while visiting Devonport Strikers soccer club in northern Tasmania.
The prime minister “tried to fall underneath me” Luca said of his off-the-ball bowling over.
“He (Morrison) said I was a good sport,” the youngster said.
Mr Morrison called Luca’s mum on Wednesday evening to check up on the boy.
“Luca is in great shape, and he probably came off a little better than I did because I hit the ground with quite the thud,” the prime minister said on Thursday.
“He’s a great sport and he’s a great kid … and he’s got a story to tell his mates today and I suspect a yarn he’ll be able to spin for many, many years to come.”
Mr Morrison was visiting the marginal Liberal seat of Braddon to announce a $3.5 million upgrade to the facility at the Valley Road Soccer grounds.
On Wednesday evening, Mr Morrison took to Facebook to give a “shout out” to the boy for “being such a good sport”.
“Great to be able to have a good chat to him about his love of football and to hear he’s had three hat-tricks in his budding career already,” the Prime Minister said.