Forum Speakers
Roger Pallant, Secretary, NSW RVRA
Roger is a Board Member and the Secretary of the NSW RVRA, and he will talk about a survey conducted by the NSW RVRA of residents of NSW RVs dealing with psychological abuse in NSW RVs. The findings of the report, ‘Ageing without Fear’, have generated interest at Local, State and National levels and led to many initiatives to deal with the issue. Roger will outline the survey findings and key strategies to mitigate the impact this issue is having on the quality of life of some RV residents.
Karen Toohey, ACT Human Rights Commissioner
Karen is the ACT Disability, Community Services, Discrimination and Health Services Commissioner. Karen will talk about the RV residents’ issues she deals with on a daily basis (including elder abuse and disputes with RV operators) and the remedies she has available to address these problems.
Emma Bragg, Tetlow Legal/ACT Law Society Committee Member
Emma is the co-owner of law firm Tetlow Legal. She practises in the areas of Elder Law & Succession Law (the latter primarily about planning for the transfer of wealth from one generation to the next) and is a committee member of the ACT Law Society and Law Council of Australia in these areas of practice. Emma will talk about Elder Law and Succession Law and how to access appropriate legal advice in these areas, and more generally.
Jenny Mobbs, CEO, COTA ACT
COTA ACT works to improve the lives of older people in the Canberra community by providing services and programs to encourage older people to participate in the community (see Jenny will describe the (free) services COTA provides including public and private housing advice, elder abuse advice and assistance accessing financial and legal advice.
Event Information
Ginninderra Labor Club, 40 Lhotsky St, Charnwood ACT
Wednesday 17 July, 2-4pm
Please RSVP to [email protected].
For further information, visit the ACTRVRA website:
Afternoon tea will be provided. You do not have to be an ACT RVRA member to attend the forum.
The ACT RVRA appreciates the support of the Ginninderra Labor Club in providing the facility for our event.