Shelter event re-homes 112 pets

Thomas is still looking for a new home after missing out on adoption at RSPCA ACTโ€™s recent Clear the Shelter event. Image supplied.

More than 100 animals in Canberra found their forever homes on 21-22 February as part of the national RSPCA initiative Clear the Shelter.

In total, RSPCA ACT had 112 adoptions, four more than last year, with three birds, 11 cats, 52 fish, three fowl, two guinea pigs and 17 kittens finding homes.

Eighteen dogs were also adopted, however as of Monday 24 February, RSPCA ACT was still keen to find new owners for Thomas and Chance. There are also a handful of bunnies left at the shelter including long-term residents Hazel and Fae.

Animals available for adoption can be found at

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