The ACT produces one million tonnes of waste every year – waste that pollutes the environment, squanders natural resources, and increases greenhouse gas emissions. Greens MLA Jo Clay believes we can and must do better to create a sustainable future.
The ACT’s historical $98.3 million public housing debt continues to burn a hole in the ACT Government’s pocket, but Greens MLA for Brindabella, Jonathan Davis, is hopeful the new Labor Federal Government might finally wipe the slate clean.
In this op-ed piece, ACT Greens spokesperson for active travel, road safety and transport, Jo Clay MLA, explains why Canberra needs more active travel and how to get it.
There may be a potential end to Canberra’s high commercial vacancy rate, with Greens MLA Johnathan Davis calling for an investigation into a potential vacancy tax.
The ACT government makes a fortune from its stamp duty tax on the sale of properties so must delight in the high prices being paid by families desperate to own their own home.