Community sporting clubs across the ACT have the chance to win up to $2,000 with nominations now open for this year's Alcohol and Drug Foundation Good Sports Awards. Â
The number of Canberra businesses reached a record high in 2021, but in an uncertain economic environment, the ACT also recorded the highest business closure rate in the country, the Canberra Business Chamber said today.
Movement of honey bees and used apiary equipment into the ACT is now restricted following the recent detection of Varroa destructor, a species of parasitic mite that attacks European honey bees, at the Port of Newcastle in NSW.
Data released from the 2021 Census has revealed the number of people residing in the ACT has grown by 14.4 per cent since the previous census five years earlier, making it the highest growth rate of all the states and territories in Australia.
People living with complex mental health issues in the ACT are set to benefit from Australia’s first digital and telephone service that provides continuing mental health support designed specifically for them.