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Saturday, January 18, 2025

Latest news: ACTCOSS

ACTCOSS wants more funding for community services

ACTCOSS wants the Commonwealth to adequately fund services provided by the community sector, and more freedom to make the right policies.

Housing security a priority for Federal candidates

ACTCOSS wants the government to build more social housing in Canberra. Here's what the Federal election candidates say.

Federal candidates address social priorities at ACTCOSS forum

As the cost of living soars and more Canberrans tumble into poverty, the community sector has called on Federal Election candidates to state how they would solve these problems.

Candidates respond to ACTCOSS call to increase income support

The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) wants the next federal government to increase the rate of JobSeeker, Youth Allowance, and other income support payments to at least $70 a day, further supplement the incomes of people with disability and single parents, and index to the consumer price index and wages.

ACT ‘disastrous’ poverty levels predicted to worsen

Almost one in 10 Canberrans live below the poverty line, and a quarter of those are children. This grim statistic is predicted to increase even further if the next Federal Government fails to act, says the ACTCOSS.

Canberrans on low incomes hit hardest by cost of living rises: ACTCOSS

Canberrans living on low incomes are being hit hardest by the biggest increase in cost of living in over 20 years, the 2022 ACT Cost of Living Report reveals.

ACTCOSS welcomes poker machine reforms

The ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) has called the ACT Government’s proposed cap on poker machine bet and credit limits, and introducing a central monitoring system, “a significant step towards reducing gambling harm in the Canberra community”.

Community sector underfunded, ACTCOSS says

The community sector is chronically underfunded by the Federal and ACT Governments, and many services and workers have been pushed to their limits, according to a survey released by the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS).

ACTCOSS announces policy priorities for election

ACTCOSS wants federal election candidates to back six policies it believes will give a fair go to disadvantaged Canberrans.

Minister Berry refutes ACTCOSS’ public housing relocation claims

Despite significant backlash on the Growing and Renewing Public Housing Program, including the policy being called “callous and cruel”, the ACT Government say they did not agree to review the implementation of the policy, contrary to statements from ACTCOSS this morning, 4 April.

Rooftop solar will lower energy bills for vulnerable Canberrans

Canberrans on low incomes can now install rooftop solar power for zero dollars up front, and save up to $1,000 a year.

Social security payments increase from March

Social security payments will increase from 20 March in line with indexation. But are they adequate as the cost of living rises?

ACTCOSS: ACT public housing policy ‘heartless and cruel’

ACTCOSS have condemned the ACT Government’s Growing and Renewing Public Housing Program, calling it “heartless and cruel”.

More funding for homelessness services

Community services have welcomed $2.5 million from the ACT Government to expand homelessness services and accommodate rough sleepers.

ACTCOSS welcomes improved oversight of public health measures

The community sector and the most vulnerable in the community must be safeguarded when it comes to mandating COVID-19 public health measures, the ACT Council of Social Services (ACTCOSS) says. 

NDIS needs better working conditions, parliamentary report finds

The Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme published its NDIS Workforce Final Report this week.


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