Eight Extinction Rebellion ACT protestors faced court yesterday charged with defacing public property following protest activity at the John Gorton Building in Parkes ACT on Friday 6 August.
Columnist Gary Humphries (CW, Thursday 3 June 2021) thinks that it is okay to chant the "F..." word at the Prime Minister of Australia. Quite sad really when he also states that global warming is the greatest threat to humanity that requires urgent action.
ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr will lead the flagship Climate Action portfolio, along with Treasury, Tourism, Economic Development, and a Cabinet of nine ministers – six Labor and three Greens – in...
On the National Memorial Day for fire and emergency services, Prime Minister Scott Morrison read aloud, from Parliament House, the names of 14 responders who lost their lives to bushfire last summer....
Impressive local teenage activist and artist Alice Harcourt is making waves on the climate change front, merging her passion for the environment and art to make a difference.
From plastic wrapping to takeaway coffee cups (which are being used more now while keep cups are off limits due to COVID-19 restrictions), the little ways our habits impact the environment can...