Key Liberal National Party members have stood with Queensland farmers and landholders outside state parliament urging a rethink of large-scale renewables projects.
The ACT Government has today announced the new ‘Caring for Dhawura Ngunnawal: A Natural Resource Plan for the ACT 2022-2042’ which will guide the next 20 years of natural resource management in the ACT.
During the pandemic it was a different kind of fever that hit public servant Gerard de Ruyter - it was that ‘70s pandemic, Saturday Night Fever.
Gerard, also known as Super Freak, is...
Maritime authorities say the female southern right whale and her calf spotted basking in shallow waters off Sydney have moved on again, after taking a few days to relax in the coast's warm shallow bays.
In an ACT-first, a conscience-free workplace in Majura Park, which is powered by renewables, has won a green stamp of approval for its sustainability and environmental credentials.
Canberra Airport’s base building at 25...
An ancient fish on the brink of extinction could be listed as critically endangered within a fortnight, after such action was passed over just last year.
Native animals and plants at risk of extinction will be protected by two new agencies in a bid to get the nation's ailing environment out of intensive care.
Having endured droughts and floods, residents in outback NSW are dealing with the stench and clean up of millions of rotting fish as authorities work to protect drinking water.
A warrior huntsman with a shield on its chest is among three mysterious spider species uncovered as part of an expedition through Australia's alpine region.
The ACT is in an “environmental crisis” with increasing numbers of threatened species and native trees disappearing at alarming rates, according to the Conservation Council ACT Region.
Fossil fuel companies continue to make mind-boggling amounts of new, single-use plastic while doing almost nothing to reuse what already exists, a new analysis says.