The ACT’s lack of housing supply is set to worsen with new analysis from MBA predicting the Territory will fall 7,100 dwellings short of it's housing target.
MBA ACT and the PCA have released damning data that shows “a stark reality” of housing in the ACT, while a Demographia report shows Australia’s appalling rankings internationally.
The ACT Government today announced a housing policy revamp, including the restoration of rental relief, but the Liberals say this shows Chief Minister Andrew Barr has lost trust in his housing ministers.
Banning foreigners from purchasing Australian real estate will create an immediate short-term solution to the nation’s housing crisis and offer long-term protection for Australians looking to enter the property market, Kennedy MP Bob Katter says.
Affordable housing will be the next parliamentary priority as the federal government releases its promised plan to help ease the crisis, and ACT Senator David Pocock has welcomed the investment.
The next priority when federal parliament returns is expected to be housing as the government releases the plans for its future fund election commitment.
The Greens say the government's plan to build a million houses across the next five years does nothing to address the need for community and affordable homes.
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare have released their latest Housing assistance in Australia report which displays a drop in social housing dwellings, yet a greater demand for services.