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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Latest news: Labor

Opinion: The Labor Government has hit the ground running

Three months into the Albanese Labor Government and we can positively say we have hit the ground running and not wasted a day, writes Member for Bean, David Smith.

A decade of environmental neglect to end under Labor

The May election made it clear that Australians want a government that cares about our environment.

Anthony Albanese promises ambitious government

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has promised a "government of ambition" ahead of the opening of the 47th parliament.

Labor backs conscience vote on ACT, NT

The ACT and Northern Territory could soon have the power to legislate for voluntary euthanasia after a decision of the federal Labor caucus.

John Barilaro temporarily blocked from NYC job

NSW parliament has blocked former deputy premier John Barilaro from taking up a $500,000 a year taxpayer-funded job in New York City until an inquiry is held.

Labor committed to lowering electricity bills

The Labor government is standing by the modelling it took to the May federal election promising to slash electricity bills by $275 a year.

To the editor: Stefaniak’s misogynistic attacks on elected women

It does no credit to your publication to print partisan, ageist, misogynistic attacks on women who have been democratically elected by their communities to represent them.

Labor on track for 77-seat government

Labor is on track to win 77 seats, after reaching the majority government target of 76 on Monday evening.

Labor expected to win Macnamara, form majority government

Labor are set to form a majority government after securing the 76 seats needed to govern in their own right.

Final poll counting expected on Monday

Anthony Albanese may be just 24 hours away from finding out whether he has secured a majority government in the lower house, which the prime minister says will send a clear message to his opponents.

Tough budget challenges ahead: Katy Gallagher

Australia's new Finance Minister, ACT Senator Katy Gallagher says Labor has inherited a serious set of economic and budget challenges, but will take tough decisions while also focusing on cost of living issues.

Anthony Albanese confident as Labor eyes majority

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is confident Labor will take Parliament House with a 76-seat majority even as the Greens pick up a fourth lower house seat.

Labor election ‘a dramatic shift in Australian politics’, says Andrew Barr

Australian politics have changed following the election of the first Labor government since 2013, ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr believes.

Labor well placed for majority parliament

Vote counting continues with six seats in play, but Anthony Albanese's Labor government appears on track to win a majority in the federal parliament.

Labor to make Australia proud: Anthony Albanese

Australia's 31st prime minister, Anthony Albanese, has promised a family friendly parliament that will hit the ground running to make the country proud.

Labor set to face ‘community crossbench’ in federal parliament

Australia has elected a "community crossbench" to the federal parliament with a focus on climate, integrity and equality, an incoming independent MP says.
